Unseen Eyes

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Naruto Uzumaki wasn't having a good day ...

The blonde sat on a log deep in the forbidden Forest of Death and hissed in pain as he pulled the leg of his black pants up to inspect a fresh burn on his leg. As he reached into his blue fleece jacket and pulled out some ointment to treat the wound he thought about what happened earlier that day ...

First, he was used as a training dummy for Sasuke. Well, Kakashi called it a 'spar', but the only thing that happened was Sasuke beat the shit out of Naruto and it was inches from becoming a murder case!

Then Kakashi pulls Sasuke aside and teaches him some jutsu before taking them to do some missions.

Oh god ... the missions ...


The members of team 7 are doing their D rank missions for the day. This D rank mission was painting someone's house. Sasuke was on the ladder painting and Naruto was on the ground painting on the wall farthest away. Sakura came around the corner and the can of paint on the ladder that Sasuke was using tipped over spilling it's gray contents on to the pink banshee, which was an improvement in Naruto's opinion.

"Naruto you idiot! Can't you do anything right?" The enraged gray banshee screeched.

"But Sakura, I'm over here. That was Sasuke's paint can." A puzzled Naruto pointed out.

"Don't you dare blame Sasuke-kun for your incompetence!" The banshee shrieked

Out of the corner of his eye the blonde noticed Sasuke smirk and instantly knew that the bastard did it on purpose!

Flashback Over

Before Naruto could argue any further Sakura yelled for Kakashi-sensei, if you could call him a sensei, and Kakashi told him to sit out for the rest of the mission and that he wouldn't get any mission pay until he started acting more responsible ... more like Sasuke!

He placed a bandage on the burn, "It's always the same." The blonde muttered angrily as he got up and started running deeper into the forest, "Everything is my fault even when I'm not there! Everything is somehow my fault!" He ran faster.

"All they ever do is beat me up or insult me ... and those so called 'sparing sessions' are completely unfair! He says no jutsu, that's fine, but he doesn't stop Sasuke from throwing fireballs at me! However, when I use the shadow clone jutsu to save myself, I get smacked and told not cheat! Isn't he supposed to be a jonin? Is he just that stupid or does he just hate me for some reason? ... and apparently I'm a 'useless, talentless and irresponsible idiot' ... how the hell can he say that when he never bothered to train me!" The blonde started crying and stopped running when he came to a clearing.

"That asshole has no problem training Sasuke, but he doesn't want to help me. Why!? Now I might lose my apartment because he won't give me my mission pay! I'm an orphan, I don't have a family to pay my finances like Sasuke and Sakura ... What am I going to do?"

Some of his tears hit the ground and something very interesting happened A massive tree exploded from the ground where Naruto's tears landed. Naruto just casually stepped back as he watched the tree grow to about two stories tall. It was a beautiful weeping willow with gold markings on the green leaves that hung from the dark brown vines.

He hung his head and sighed, "A weeping willow huh ... great, now my powers are getting symbolic on me ... I really need to calm down." He takes a few deep breaths. "Glad I got that out of my system. I should go home, drink some tea and figure out a way to keep my apartment ... maybe my landlord will let me change my payment plan or something."

A hopeful Naruto left the area and went home. He never noticed a shadow creep closer to the weeping willow or a piece of a branch disappear.

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