My Pink Jewel

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The lovebirds were startled out of their sweet moment and dashed to pull the hovering cocoon out of a thorny bush that the pod flew into. They not only had to untangle Lee, but remove some thorns too.


Naruto sighed as he left the hospital, "Finally done ... I hope Minato is ok."

"He'll be ok. It's only a delivery mission." Orochimaru chuckled as he approached the blonde.

"I know you're right, but I ... I've been a little restless, I guess." The Hoseki said sheepishly.

"You just worry too much ... Naruto, remember what we discussed about Demon's Gate and the massacre?" The snake sage asked.

"Yes, I do ... why?" Naruto asked.

Orochimaru pulled out a file from a scroll he was carrying, "Your DNA matched two people we found in the massacre years ago so I did a little research. These people were your parents." He handed over the file.

In a daze Naruto took the file and opened it, "Thank you."

It was all too obvious to the snake sage that the young blonde was crying silently, "You recognize them, don't you?" He smiled when he saw the blonde nod.

"I ... I recognize my Mom's blue hair." The blonde smiled as he flipped through the file, "Thank you, sensei. It's wonderful to see their faces."

"Yeah, it must be great knowing people who ditched their worthless brat."

The two turned around and there was Sasuke glaring at Naruto, "What are you doing here Sasuke?" Naruto asked as Orochimaru watched with an annoyed frown.

"I want to take back what belongs to me. If I beat you I can be a ninja again." Sasuke replied with an arrogant smirk.

"Funny ... I don't recall anything like that in the rule book." Orochimaru muttered, but he stepped back and let Naruto handle the situation.

"And why do you think beating me will get your headband back?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke scoffed as if the answer was obvious, "When I kick your ass that foolish hokage will see what a mistake she made!" Orochimaru and Naruto sweat dropped ...

Naruto sighed, "Sasuke ... you're delusional." The snake sage snickered at the comment.

"We'll see." Sasuke growled as he ran forward. The Uchiha jumped and twisted his body to try to kick the blonde, but Naruto simply sidestepped. Every single punch, kick and attack was easily avoided by the blonde. "Try to dodge this!" The infuriated Uchiha screamed before promptly firing a massive fireball from his mouth ...

(Let's see how much you've changed Naruto.) thought Orochimaru as the raging inferno rapidly approached the blonde and himself.

*bang*crackle* A sick satisfied smirk stretched across Sasuke's lips, "Serves you right for defying me! Now burn!" He yelled insanely, however, as the smoke cleared the smirk slowly changed to a snarl. "What the fuck ..." Instead of the charred corpses he wanted to see there was a huge wall of grass covered in red flowers. The red flowers were actually sucking up the flames ...

The grass parted down the middle revealing an unscathed Naruto and a very calm sage relaxing against a tree, "I'm sick of your attitude, Sasuke." With a simple wave of the hand the blades of grass under Sasuke's feet came to life and captured the Uchiha before he even had the chance to process what was happening. "You really need to stop acting so childishly and blaming other people for your problems." The blonde said as he watched his arrogant former teammate struggle against his bindings.

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