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Orochimaru chuckled, "Let's give them a minute then everything will be explained." They all left for now, but everything was explained and everyone couldn't be happier ...


"YOUTH! This place is yours! How youthful! Which room is the baby's? I got a few presents ready!" Lee yelled as he walked into a brand new two story house only a few meters away from the Namikaze compound.

"Already? You know, I'm only about four mouths along right Lee?" Naruto chuckled as he showed Lee upstairs, "This is going to be the baby's room." The Hoseki smiled as he opened the door to a beautiful circular room with a moon and sun embedded in the domed ceiling right over a intricately carved crib. There was a lot of light thanks to the large bay window facing the backyard ...

Lee's widened in awe, "Wow ... how youthful! I'll set my presents over there!" He whipped out a storage scroll and unsealed his gifts ...

Naruto's jaw dropped as a huge pile of colorfully wrapped packages of several shapes and sizes appeared, "Oh wow ... you got all this Lee? ... is this why you took all those mission the last few months? So you could get all of these presents?"

"Of course! It was worth it and all the paper cuts I got wrapping them!" The taijutsu user grinned as he held up his bandaged hands making Naruto wince ...

"Let me heal your hands, Lee." A clearly concerned medic pleaded as he made Lee sit down in a chair in the living room.

"Ummm ... alright, but don't push yourself." Lee said and let Naruto see his hands. "So where's Minato? I thought he'd be here. Is he brushing you off again?" The brotherly figure asked with a rare serious look on his face as the medic finished healing his hands.

A blush spread across the blonde's cheeks, "Ummmm ... actually, Minato didn't really brush me off that day I found out about this." Naruto smiled as he laid a hand on his slightly swollen belly.

"Huh? What do you mean? You were in tears when I ran into you." remarked a puzzled spandex wearer.

"Well ... you see ... I kind of misjudged the amount of time that day ... I went to the hospital at 8:00 and met you at about 9:10. M-Minato wasn't busy very long at all and Gai apparently wouldn't take no for an answer ... kind of silly aren't I, for crying after only a few minutes." Naruto mumbled in embarrassment ...

Lee shook his head and pulled Naruto into a hug, "Not at all! You were carrying the youthful news of a miracle that you wanted to tell! Every second must've felt like an eternity!" Naruto smiled. Minato suddenly skidded through the door and slammed the door shut, "Minato we-" Lee clamped his own mouth shut as the blonde jonin started shushing him ...

A few moments of silence passed before someone was heard outside, "MINATO MY YOUTHFUL RIVAL, COME BACK!" Everyone stayed quiet and waited for Gai to leave ...

Naruto sensed Gai leaving and released the breath he didn't even know he was holding, "He's gone."

Minato slid down to the floor he was so relieved, "I don't think I can keep doing this." He blinked as he finally noticed that Lee was there, "Hey, Lee, I see you're back from those missions ... if it's not asking too much-"

"You want me to talk to Gai-sensei?" Lee guessed.

"Could you, please? He gets worse everyday Kakashi is locked up." The jonin nearly pleaded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him. I bet he doesn't even realize he's doing it." Lee said with a heavy sigh as Minato stood up and kissed Naruto. The Hoseki chuckled softly as he felt Minato's hand gently touch his stomach.

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