The Hoseki's Power

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Naruto was humming happily as he started making dinner. Nothing could take that smile off his face. He practically danced as he went to get the door and take in his landlady's cat before the incoming storm hits. The sound of birds chirping made him turn ... he saw a bright crackling light coming at him ...


There wasn't anything he could do ...

There was no time to move or plants to channel chakra into ...

Naruto could only watch as the ball of lightning charged closer ...

The ball was inches away from his chest ...

It was so close he could see the eyes of the man behind it. Those hate filled eyes of his former sensei ...


The blonde plant user felt himself being pushed to the ground and suddenly there was a body on top of his, "M-Minato?" Naruto stuttered, he was shocked to see Minato pinning him to the ground and he couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Why was the hokage and the sages here? Why was Minato asking him if he was alright? Why was Orochimaru and Jiraiya holding down Kakashi? Did Kakashi try to kill him?

"Naruto, answer me. Are you alright?" Minato asked.

Naruto nodded shakily, "Y-yes I am ... what is going on-"

Kakashi snarled and thrashed trying to get out of the sages holds, "Let me go! He deserves to die after what his father did!"

"My father? But how could you know my father?" A very confused Naruto asked

"He doesn't. This idiot student of mine made a big fucking mistake." Tsunade said sharply.

"What are you talking about?" Kakashi snapped before he continued to rant about how Naruto was the son of some guy named Sato Uzumaki and that that was the man who killed his father ...

Now everything made sense. Naruto was about to explain the problem, but then he felt an increase of weight on his shoulder. Minato was leaning on him making the smaller blonde blush,m "Umm Minato ..." Naruto received no answer and nudged the jonin, "Minato?" Naruto gasped as Minato fell limp in him arms. The genin felt something warm on his hand and looked at his hand to see a red substance. It was blood! "Minato's hurt!" He yelled.

Everything changed in a second ...

Tsunade immediately spun on her heels and kneeled next to her son, "Oh god! His side is split open. We can't move him until I slow down the bleeding!" She gasped at the sight of the large bloody wound on the young Namikaze. It went from just under his armpit to his hip.

Jiraiya kept his hold on Kakashi as he watched his wife frantically try to save his son, "He must have hit the chidori when he pushed Naruto out of the way."

Tears were in Naruto's eyes as he watched Minato become paler by the second ...

The tears fell and hit the ground ...

Suddenly, several blades of grass sprouted out of nowhere, actually breaking their way through the concrete path under the everyone's feet. Tsunade looked on in amazement as the blades grew towards the wound and began glowing ...

As the tips of the grass grazed the injury it quickly began healing ...

The bleeding stopped ...

The skin stitched together ...

They all glanced at Naruto and were surprised to see the blonde's eyes glowing softly in his trance like state ...

A silence remained even after the wound was healed and the blue eyes stopped glowing ...

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