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Naruto was relaxing in the sun waiting for his teammates. He hoped they would be nice. As he wondered who his teammates would be he slowly drifted off to sleep.


"NARUTO!" Naruto was startled out of his slumber only to be tackled by a green blur. "How youthful that we get to do this test together, Naruto!" Rock Lee exclaimed excitedly as he held Naruto in a bone crushing hug.

Naruto smiled, "I'm happy too, Lee, but could you put me down now?" Lee smiled sheepishly and set Naruto down.

"Looks like we're all here. It.'s good to see you guys" Naruto and Lee looked over at the person who spoke.

Naruto smiled while Lee shouted, "YOSH! Shikamaru, it's wonderful to have your Youthfulness on our team!"

Shikamaru nodded lazily, "Yeah ... so what are the details for this part of the test?"

A genjutsu sign popped up:

Team Mission: inside the storage seal under this sign is a package. You must deliver this to the address on it within two hours.

Rule 1: You must cut through training ground 45 by traveling through the cave system

Rule 2: You must not open or damage the package

Rule 3: Don't put it down. One person must always be carrying the package

The timer starts the second you open the storage seal. If you wish to forfeit you may do so at any time.

When you've finished the test go to training ground 10 to meet the other teams

"YOSH! Let's begin!" Lee dove for the seal, but Shikamaru held him back.

Shikamaru sighed, "Hold on, Lee. We should take a minute to come up with a plan first."

"A Youthful idea, Shikamaru!" Lee grinned.

"Do either of you know where training ground 45 is?" Shikamaru asked. Lee shook his head.

Naruto nodded, "I do. It's northeast of the Forest of Death. It's should only take about 50 minutes to get there and go through the cave system, but we need to be careful cause the cave is unstable."

Shikamaru nodded, "Then it's settled. You will lead the team, Naruto."

Naruto's eyes widened, "Me? I've never lead a team before. Shouldn't one of you lead?"

Lee gave a thumbs up, "Come on, Naruto! It's a youthful idea! Besides, you know the way so it only make sense. You lead we'll have your back!"

"Well said, Lee. Naruto catch." Naruto caught a small package that Shikamaru tossed him.

Naruto's eyes widened and then he pouted, "This is the package, isn't it?" Shikamaru nodded sleepily and the blonde rolled his eyes, "Fine, follow me."

A few minutes passed and they reached training ground 45. They traveled through the forest slowly keeping their eyes peeled for the cave. It didn't take long to find it hidden behind some vines. They jumped into the dark, damp cave.

Once inside the cave they took out their flashlights and proceeded deeper into the tunnels.

Naruto sensed a disturbance, "Shikamaru, look out!" He shoved the lazy ninja out of the way of two kunai that was thrown by a walking training dummy. They never noticed that they tripped a hidden seal that activated two walking training dummies.

"Thanks, Naruto. Hey, Lee, let's get rid of these dummies." Shikamaru froze both dummies with his shadow possession and Lee crushed the dummies with his Leaf Hurricane. The genin left the cave and delivered the package with time to spar.

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