A New Team

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"I'm afraid so, I'll have your father keep looking .. so when were you going to tell me you had a crush?" Tsunade smiled teasingly at her son who simply blushed and stayed quiet, but he knew his mother wouldn't drop this topic anytime soon ...


Tsunade looked at team 7, "Do any of you know why you're here?"

Sakura smirked, "You're going to disband team 7 because the test proved that that idiot Naruto is useless." Minato gritted his teeth and held back the urge to hit the pinkette when he saw that hurt look cross Naruto's face

"So close, but not quite." The hokage said with a smirk, "You're here because team 7 is being disbanded and you two, Sasuke, Sakura will be dropped from the ninja program."

"WHAT? WHY? THE IDIOT OVER THERE IS THE DEAD WEIGHT!" The pinkette shrieked and pointed at Naruto as the Uchiha tried to kill the hokage with his eyes.

Kakashi twitched, "Umm sensei, doesn't that seem harsh?"

The hokage thought a moment, "... hmm perhaps, how about this? Sasuke, here is a picture of all the plants you said were edible. I made a tea from them." She set the picture and a cup on the table filled with a steaming green liquid. "If you're so sure you're competent enough to survive by yourself as a ninja then you should be able to tell me if this is safe to drink. If you believe it is then drink it."

Sasuke gave his usual arrogant smirk and rudely snatched the cup, "Of course, it's safe." Kakashi was in shock. He could clearly see that several of those plants were deadly.

Just as Sasuke was about to chug the lethal concoction Naruto tried to take the cup, "No! Sasuke don't!"

As the cup clattered to the floor Sasuke back handed the small blonde, "You bitch-"

Minato quickly moved over to Naruto and checked the cut on his cheek. As he healed Naruto's cut with a medical jutsu he said, "That was completely uncalled for, Uchiha. Naruto just saved your life or didn't you notice that the plants you claimed were safe are actually deadly." He finished healing the smaller blonde and glared at Sasuke.

"Bullshit!" Sasuke snapped.

The silver haired jonin sighed, "Minato is right, Sasuke. Several of the plants in that picture are deadly." Minato and his mother couldn't help, but notice that Kakashi said nothing to Naruto. In fact, he seemed happy when Naruto was hurt.

Tsunade smirked, "What a waste of a good cup of green tea ... yes, this was a harmless test. You would not have died if you drank that, but by choosing to drink it you've proven that you can't survive by yourself. Now Sakura, your doctors have taken a few tests. Did you know you have the bone density of a 90 year old civilian and many other health problems? Those issues are more than enough reason to kick you out of the ninja program and I haven't even done a psych eval yet. Drop your headbands off with the ninjas outside. You are dismissed, except for you, Naruto."

"Yes, hokage-sama." Naruto said as he tried to avoid eye contact with Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura while they left the room. He breathed a sigh of relief when the door shut leaving him alone with the hokage and Minato.

"Now, Naruto." The small blonde looked at Tsunade. "We've been informed about your treatment on team 7 so we modified the tests you took to get to the truth. I'm sorry that you were treated in such a manner. No Leaf shinobi should have put up with that. However, as we viewed your test we looked into your background. Are you aware that you are not an Uzumaki?" She asked as Orochimaru came in and took a seat.

Naruto hung his head, "Yes, I do, hokage-sama."

"Why would you hide such information?" Tsunade asked calmly. She wanted to give the young man a chance to explain himself.

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