Training Glitches

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Minato cringed, "I'm going, I'm going! Just please don't!" He pleaded, but after his mother went back to writing he carefully glanced down every now and then at the crystal ball in his lap to check on Naruto ...


Naruto smiled as he read over some of his new medical scrolls in training ground 9, "Ok ... maybe this will work!" He placed his hands on the ground and a flower grew to huge proportions and the white blue petals formed a pod that was big enough to fit a child, "That's it!"

*boom* "Youth! Naruto, how's your training going?" Lee yelled as he stood next to a broken tree he was using to practice a technique.

"Great! I think I figured it out. Can I test it on you?" Naruto asked.

Lee gave the thumbs up, "Of course! Youth!" He sat down next to the pod and Naruto had him hold his am over the pod. A few slender tendrils rose out from the bottom of the pod and wrapped around his arm. "Wow! Its healing me!" Lee exclaimed as he felt his muscles mending and bruised knuckles heal.

"This is great!" Naruto beamed happily as he checked the final result. "Now if only I could get it big enough to carry a fully grown person without that issue." He mused thoughtfully.

"What have you been having trouble with?"

"Minato, your youth shines brightly!" Lee yelled as the jonin jumped down from the trees and walked over to them.

"You see those six ditches next to the broken tree?" Naruto stood up and pointed to the tree Lee was training with. Minato winced as he looked at the smoldering craters. "That's what happens. The pod becomes unstable and ... yeah."

"You weren't anywhere near that, right?" A clearly concerned Minato asked while he looked the smaller blonde over for any obvious injuries.

"He was really lucky he was training with me." Lee said seriously making Naruto scratch his cheek sheepishly as the two older ninja looked at him. He really should've considered training with someone. It was only luck that Lee was nearby ...

"Naruto, that is dangerous. You shouldn't test new jutsu without someone to help. Are you ok?" Minato asked as he stood next to the genin.

"Yes, I'm fine. I wasn't hurt." Naruto said with a light blush as Minato smiled. The jonin leaned in and softly kissed Naruto ...

Lee sweat dropped as the couple seemed to completely forget he was there, "That's my Youthful cue to leave!" The taijutsu specialist muttered as he slipped away to continue training ...

The kiss slowly became more passionate as their tongues danced together. Minato gently pressed Naruto against a tree earning a soft mewl. The jonin didn't even break the kiss as he scooped the smaller blonde up and pinned him higher up the tree so they were at eye level. Naruto squeaked cutely and wrapped his legs around Minato's waist. The plant user gasped and felt dizzy as the Namikaze's hand began tracing circles around his nipple through the fabric of his shirt ...

"M-Minato ahh ah!" Naruto moaned as Minato moved to kissing his neck ...

*boom* The earth shaking explosion followed by a distant scream of 'Youth' snapped both of lovers back to reality ...

They both blushed profusely, "I-...I'm sorry, Naruto." Minato whispered.

"It's o-ok." Naruto stuttered as he unwrapped his legs from Minato and slid down the jonin's body until he was standing on his own feet. "I should continue training anyway." The embarrassed plant user said as he reluctantly moved away from the taller blonde.

Minato continued blushing as he watched the Hoseki manipulate the pod slightly using nature chakra to see how it behaves, "So what is this for? Is it like a medical pod?"

"Kind of ... I took the idea from what I remembered of my mother's bloom that carried me to safety. I figured if I could get it the right size it could transport the injured or heal them, but maybe I should just focus on the medical aspect for now." The Hoseki pouted as he glanced at the craters ...

"I think I'll do some training too." Minato said not wanting to leave he blonde just yet especially after seeing those craters.

"What kind of training are you working on?" asked Naruto with his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

The jonin's heart fluttered, "I'm working on improving the second hokage's hiraishin technique." He pulled out two strange looking kunai with three prongs and some seals along the handle. "It's basically like teleportation. I can appear wherever this kunai lands or where the seal is, but I need to work out some kinks." He threw the first kunai a good distance and set the other one on the ground in front of Naruto. The projectile landed on the top of a hill on the opposite side of the training grounds just barely with in view ...

Naruto blushed as Minato kissed his cheek and vanished, "Wow, cool!" Naruto exclaimed when he just made out Minato's form on the hill waving at him, but something seemed off. He noticed something on the ground next to him and picked it up, "What's this? Fabric?" Naruto pondered as Minato reappeared next to him. Naruto's eyes widened and his face turned bright red when he realized the problem ...

"That went well ... I don't feel any pain or anything so it was ok." Minato remarked.

"Ummm ... M-Minato-"

"But I still think it was delayed a bit so some tweaking is probably needed." The jonin muttered completely missing the Hoseki's flustered state.

"D-definitely. Minato y-you really should-"

"I wonder if there's a mark off or something." Minato pondered as he examined the seal on his kunai.


Minato jumped and turned to the smaller blonde, "Is something wrong, Naruto?"

The genin shoved the fabric into the jonin's arms, "Please put your pants back on!" Minato blinked and looked down ... his face turned bright red when he saw that his pants were indeed missing ...

"How Youthful of you, Minato! Letting it all hang out! I'll join you!" Lee yelled.

"You keep your pants on!" The pod reacted to Naruto's yelling and sent all of its tendrils out wrapping Lee from head to toe in green vines. He looked like a green mummy. "Uh oh! You ok, Lee?"

"Mmmm mmf Moufful!" Lee murmured from inside his cocoon of vines.

"Can he get out of there?" Minato asked as he put his pants back on.

"I don't think so." Naruto said as he saw the green cocoon wiggle in Lee's attempts to get free. He tried to use chakra to make the vines release, but it wasn't working. "They aren't responding to me."

"Let's head back to the village and untangle him. Does this thing transport?" Minato asked.
Naruto smiled, "Yes, it can. Hold on, Lee." The little leaves acted like propellers lifting pod out of the ground taking Lee with it ...

"Meeee mime mying!" Lee exclaimed as he hovered a few feet above the ground.

"Yes, you're flying, but try not to move too much, Lee. I don't know how much this pod holds." Naruto warned as he strolled next to the hovering green cocoon and Minato.

The jonin chuckled, "Well, this has been an interesting day of training ... and embarrassing."

"Says the guy who has nothing to be embarrassed about." Naruto smiled with a light blush as he took Minato's hand in his and kissed the taller blonde.

Minato pulled back for a second, "I love you, Naruto."

The Hoseki's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat, "I love you too, Minato." Their lips met again ...

"Mwww mrue muve ... mahhhhh!"

The lovebirds were startled out of their sweet moment and dashed to pull the hovering cocoon out of a thorny bush that the pod flew into. They not only had to untangle Lee, but remove some thorns too.

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