Coming to the Surface

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That's when he saw a photo fall out of the file his papers collided with and flutter to the ground. He picked it up and looked at it. "What's this? An autopsy photo? ... that's definitely not right. I should take this to Tsunade."


Tsunade smiled as she watched Minato fix his hair in a mirror, "Don't forget to tell Asuma that the mission was delayed for two days if you see him ... good luck on your date!"

"I-it's not a d-date ... Naruto and I are just spending time together." argued a flustered Minato.

(Of course it's not, which is why you bought brand new clothes and spent an hour pacing nervously. How silly of me to think other wise ... how sweet!) She thought as he rushed out of the door and moments later Jiraiya came through the door, "Our boy is in love."

"Really?! I better gave him some pointers!" He tried to run after his son, but Tsunade tripped him making him fall flat on his face.

"He's a smart boy, he can figure it out himself. Have you found anything?" The blonde hokage asked.

Jiraiya frowned, "Nothing truly definite, but I did find something off about Sakumo's autopsy results." He unsealed a folder and handed Tsunade a picture, "I'm not a medic, but I know there's something off about this picture."

The hokage's eye narrowed as she analyzed the photo of the late White Fang on the medical examiner's table, "You're right, there's something off ... I need to check his body."


Naruto took a deep breath to try and steady his racing heart, but nothing was helping to calm the butterflies fluttering in his stomach, (Why am I so nervous? It's only Minato, I've been around him before without being so nervous, but now ... what's different?)

Minato jumped down from the trees, "Hey, Naruto! You didn't have to wait long, did you?" His heart skipped a beat when he saw the smaller blonde had his long wavy hair free from its braid and was wearing perfectly fitting jeans with a blue shirt with a little lip balm on his lips. The Namikaze wanted so badly to kiss those lips ...

"N-no, not long at all!" (Was Minato always this handsome?) He couldn't help but admire the dark blue jeans and form fitting black turtleneck the taller blonde was wearing.

"That's good ... so where do you want to go?" Minato asked as he tried to fight back a blush.

"How about the aquarium?" Naruto suggested.

The jonin smiled, "That sounds like a great idea!" They went down the road towards the aquarium ...


"Hey, Kakashi! What's up?" Asuma asked as he took a seat next at the bar next to his fellow jonin.

Kakashi groaned, "I fucked up." He gulped down a cup of sake.

"Yeah, but it's not that bad. Really, Sakura should never have passed in the first place. It was a mistake, don't let it get you down. You'll be happy to hear your student Naruto bounced back quickly. He has a new teammate, Minato actually!" Asuma said as he ordered them some tea. If Asuma knew the full extent of the situation with team 7 he wouldn't be saying any right now, but sadly he didn't.

"Really? They're a team now?" He asked seemingly curious as his anger started to rise.

"Yep, Gai was raving about the kid since they got back from a mission yesterday. I hear Naruto and Minato are getting close if you know what I mean." Asuma said with a suggestive wink.

Kakashi's jaw clenched slightly as his blood began to boil, which went unnoticed by the Sarutobi, (So that's why I couldn't find that prick. He was away on a mission! How dare he try to seduce my little brother!)

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