Shot Glass

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The tattoo was of a bloody red skull with sharp teeth and horns holding a white flower in its mouth ... it was the mark of Demon's Gate ...


Minato smiled as he brushed the blonde bangs out of Naruto's sleeping face as he came into the bedroom, "I love you, Naruto." He whispered softly and kissed the Hoseki's lips. His heart skipped a beat as Naruto smiled in his sleep. He stared at the small blonde in bed for a few seconds before getting his jonin jacket ...

"Minato." The jonin turned and saw Naruto looking at him.

"I'm sorry, Naruto. Did I wake you?" Minato asked.

"N-no." Naruto blushed lightly.

The jonin had a feeling that the medic wanted to say something, "Is something wrong, Naruto? You can tell me."

"It's just that my hormones are causing some things to go overboard." Naruto said softly into his pillow.

"Like what?" Minato leaned closer and he was stunned to find himself grabbed by the collar and pulled into a kiss. It didn't take long for Minato to move on top of Naruto and kiss back, "This is something you should tell me about." Minato chuckled as he felt Naruto's erection against his leg.

Naruto's back arched and moaned as Minato rolled his hips delicious sparks of friction race up their spines, "Aahhhh Minato!"

"You're so cute." Minato said as he moved down the medic's body earning soft moans with each lick, nip or suck of the tan skin. Minato caressed the swollen belly of his lover. The changes to Naruto's body only served to enhance Minato's attraction for the blonde medic. Every stretch mark was a reminder of the life his love is giving him ...

"Ahhhh oooh M-Minato!" Naruto moaned loudly as the jonin teased the tip of his cock with his tongue before swallowing it all the way down to the root. Minato felt Naruto close his legs around his neck as pleasure ripped through his body. The jonin gently used his hand to push the medic's right leg and open the legs and he massaged a sensitive spot behind Naruto's knee as he held the legs apart.

"M-Minato ahhh I'm ahhh hah hahhh ah oh I'm cumming!" The flushed medic thrashed. The jonin loved the feeling of Naruto's hips bucking against his mouth even faster as his lover's climax approached. The medic screamed and his back arched off the bed as his cum gushed into Minato's mouth. Minato licked away the last drops of cum from his lips as he removed his clothes ...

Minato leaned over and gave Naruto a searing kiss as he thrust his hard cock into the medic's tight heat. Naruto broke the kiss to give a loud lustful moan. "I love you, Naruto." Minato groaned as Naruto's body clenched around him each time hit that sweet spot.

"Minato I oh god ahhh I love you!" Naruto screamed passionately. Minato ripped three orgasms from Naruto before collapsing next to his love.

"I should ... get to ... my guard duty." Minato panted, but as he got up Naruto grabbed his hand and he looked into those big blue eyes, "Seriously? Again!" Minato smiled and kissed Naruto again. They went back to making love to each other.


Shizune smiled as Minato helped Naruto sit on the exam table, "Month seven! Let's see if your little one is ready to let us see its gender this time." She said as Tsunade came into the room.

"I hope we can see this time ... oh Minato, I know you're on maternity call so you can come and go for emergencies, but why were you 3 to 4 hours late for the last month?" Tsunade asked as Shizune prepared Naruto for the ultrasound.

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