Sleepless Nights

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The hokage laid back in her chair, "Your suggesting that Naruto's family may have been targeted." The snake sage nodded, "It's possible ... I will tell Minato the possibility when he gets back."


Minato pouted as Lee hugged Naruto, (How close are they?) He wondered. The older blonde felt a twinge of jealousy as Naruto laughed at something Lee said.

"We met you at the test, but I didn't know you were a friend of Lee's." Tenten said.

"Yeah, Lee and I went to the same orphanage. We grew up together." Naruto smiled.

Gai had tears streaming from his eyes, "Brothers in all but blood! How Youthful!"

Neji smirked and wrapped his arm around Naruto slender waist, "Any friend of Lee's is a friend of mine too." The Hyuga tightened his grip making Naruto blush lightly.

The Namikaze grit his teeth and stepped forward to release Neji's hold on Naruto, "We should get going, right Gai?" He said with a smile as he mentally glared at Neji who was eye raping the little blonde.

"YOSH! To the springtime of YOUTH!" Gai yelled as they left the village. The Leaf ninja were on their way to provide extra security for the Flower Festival at Petal Village in the land of Forest. Sadly, Minato spent most of the time trying to place himself in between Neji and Naruto instead of taking in the beautiful scenery.

"Yosh, there is Petal Village! Hey, Naruto. It's your jumpsuit!" Lee burst out laughing as a man in a bright orange jumpsuit ran by.

Naruto blushed and glared at his brother figure, "That's not funny."

Tenten smiled, "I can't believe you had something like that!"

Lee snickered, "He insisted on trying to save enough money to get an apartment so he bought the cheapest thing he could find which was a hideous orange jumpsuit four sizes too big-"

"It worked didn't it!" The blonde pouted.

"Yes it did, but it was still three sizes too big when you graduated, which is why everyone thought you were clumsy since you were tripping over all the time and I spent most of my time dragging you away from bulls because they hated that red spot on your back." The spandex wearer exclaimed. Minato clapped a hand over his mouth to stop him from laughing as he imagined the little blonde in the outrageous outfit.

"It's not that bad! Besides, the fact that it was still too big proves that good thing come in small packages. That should make you happy!" The blonde said before sticking his tongue out playfully at Lee.

"THAT WAS UNYOUTHFUL SHIRNKAGE!" A clearly embarrassed taijutsu user yelled. Everyone blinked in confusion ...

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Lee, you're wearing spandex. That doesn't leave much to the imagination." Both Gai and Lee yelped and hid inside the shell of a turtle Gai summoned.

"What was that all about?" Tenten asked as she saw her teammate and sensei ride in the turtle shell.

"One day the water heater at the orphanage broke so they took us to the public bathhouse, but Lee insisted on toughing it out. By the time the caretakers found him we thought he changed genders." Minato, Tenten and Neji burst out laughing making the shell of the turtle turn red because Lee was blushing so hard.

Finally, they made it to the hotel where they will be staying and checked in. Lee and Naruto ended up sharing a room because of a mix up with the reservations. Minato was just happy it wasn't Neji who was staying with the little blonde, though, he was a little jealous.

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