Bestowing Fire

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"Really? I'm sure everything will turn out fine. You should get some rest." She said before leaving the bar. Kakashi watched her leave then set the last shot glass on his pyramid completing the pyramid ...


"Are you ready, Naruto?" exclaimed Lee who was bouncing with excitement in a black suit couldn't stay still to save his life.

Naruto chuckled as Lee almost tipped over a chair in his excitement, "We're still early, Lee ... hey, Lee, do you think I should pull my hair back or leave it?" Naruto asked as he looked at his long wavy golden hair that now reached the middle of his back.

Instead of answering Lee got up and stood behind Naruto with a grin, "Close your eyes." Naruto smiled and let his eyes close. The medic could feel the light tugging of Lee manipulating his hair. "Ok, open."

"Oh, Lee!" Naruto gasped as he saw what Lee did. The blonde hair was loose and draped over Naruto's right shoulder. A beautiful long simple silver hair clip with tiny white flowers mixed with white gems that started at the top of his head and went back and down to twist into the hair like a vine gently holding the hair in place, "It's beautiful! Thank you."

Lee grinned, "You're welcome ... that's the music! It's time!" Lee helped Naruto stand and admired the simple white kimono the pregnant blonde was wearing, "You look amazing by the way. I bet Minato will faint again." The taijutsu user snickered earning a playful nudge in the ribs from Naruto. Lee offered the blonde his arm and just as Naruto hooked his arm with his brother figure's the double doors of the room swung open. The two started walking in time the music down the aisle with several rows of seats on either side that had Minato waiting at the other end with Tsunade who was wearing the hokage robes. It was their wedding!

They were all in a simple very open temple. There were many kinds of flowers decorating the sides of the aisle. All the windows were wide open allowing the warm breeze to caress the flowers sending a few petals floating through the air with every gust. Only a few people were present including Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Kakashi and Shizune who were watching Lee walk Naruto down the aisle. However, Kabuto and Shizune were not just sittin in the seats. Kabuto was freaking out that something might trip Naruto on the way so he has inspected every inch of carpet and followed close to the blonde the second he came in on Lee's arm. Shizune was taking pictures with the photographer.

Minato's heart was about to beat straight out of his chest and through his white yukata when his eyes met Naruto's, (So beautiful, I really am a lucky man.) He thought happily. Naruto was only days away from giving birth made everything far more amazing. Tsunade smiled at the look on her son's face and could hardly wait to marry the couple.

"Naruto looks so lovely ... I hope Minato doesn't faint like you did, Jiraiya." Orochimaru whispered to his former teammate sitting next to him. The snake sage grabbed Kabuto by the collar and pulled him out of the aisle where he forced the medic to sit down.

Jiraiya twitched in irritation, "I-I didn't faint."

"You didn't hit the floor because I had a snake hold you up, but you did faint. Don't you remember me jabbing you to wake you up for your vows." The snake sage pointed out as Lee gave Naruto away to Minato and sat down next to them, "and even if you refuse to admit that you can't deny that you fainted when you heard you were going to be a father."

"Minato did too." The toad sage grumbled.

"Yes, but in Minato's youthful defense it is far more shocking to hear you knocked up your male lover." Lee said pointedly. Orochimaru and Kabuto both nodded in agreement and stayed quiet to listen to the wedding. They listened as the couple exchanged their vows and after Tsunade said what was needed they shared their first kiss as a married couple.

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