Shocking News!

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"You would look cute pregnant, though- ow!" Lee hopped around holding his foot after Naruto 'accidently' dropped a weight on it ...


Kabuto smiled at his patient as he helped her out of the exam room, "Now stay off your feet for a while and drink plenty of liquids." He made sure his patient left safely before turning to go back into the hospital. "Naruto, how's it going? What are you doing here so early? Your shift doesn't start for an hour." The medic asked as he saw the little blonde coming over to him.

"Hi, Kabuto ... umm ... I need some help. I think I'm doing the medical scan jutsu wrong." said Naruto as they walked into the hospital.

The medic raised an eyebrow, "Really? Let's see." Naruto flipped the three simple hands and his hand lit up in green chakra. "That looks right ... why do you think something is wrong?" The medic asked. He got his answer when Naruto ran his hand over his own stomach and green turned bright pink.

"Kabuto? Hello, Kabuto?" Naruto waved his hands in front of the blue haired medic's face. Out of nowhere Kabuto suddenly snapped out of his daze and dragged Naruto into an exam room.

"On the table, now!" ordered the senior medic as he shut the door.

Naruto looked worried as he got on the exam table, "Is something wrong, Kabuto?"

It was easy to hear the worry in the blonde's voice and it made Kabuto try to calm down, "I don't know for sure. This could be simply because of your unique chakra abilities or maybe it's a physical quality Hoseki's have that we don't know about." Kabuto explained as he tried to keep Naruto and himself calm, "Let's first get a blood sample and run some quick tests." With a surprisingly shaky hand Kabuto found a vein and after taking a deep breath to steady his hand he inserted the needle ...

The Hoseki watched the blood flow from his arm, through the clear tube and finally pooling in a glass vile, "Do you think something is wrong?" He asked as Kabuto removed the needle and labeled the tube.

"Honestly, I don't know. I never had this happen before. Let me check something else." Kabuto did a few hand signs and both his hands lit up with green chakra. He placed his left hand on Naruto's stomach and his right hand over the puncture made to draw the blood. Kabuto's right hand turn deep red and his left was a soft pink ...

"Is that right?" asked Naruto.

"This is the right red for an injury, but this pink ..." Kabuto sighed and canceled the jutsu. "I just don't know ... I'll drop the blood sample off and we should go see Orochimaru. He is the one who has done the most research on the Hosekis and performed the autopsies on your parents when they were found in the pile of bodies after the massacre. That means he knows the most and may have an idea about what's going on."

Naruto's eyes widened as he was dragged away, "Wait, what about my shift?"

"You're getting the day off." Kabuto remarked as he dropped off the blonde sample.


"Ok, I have to be very careful with this chemical ... if I do too much it will explode ... three drops, no more."  The snake sage muttered as he carefully squeezed a small eyedropper over a test tube filled with a green liquid ...

*drip* The first drop of the red liquid fell from the eyedropper ...


"Almost there." Orochimaru whispered.

*bang* Kabuto barged into the room with Naruto, "WHY IS NARUTO PREGNANT?!"

Orochimaru's head shot up with his eyes nearly popping out of their sockets with shock, "WHAT?"

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