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Gai's team came and took the living gang members to the authorities. Minato carefully took Naruto back to his room and held him through the night ...


Naruto sighed peacefully and his eyes fluttered open. A warmth was wrapped around him and a weight on his head. Actually, his pillow felt very very warm and it's moving! The nature user was wide awake now and he blushed wildly as he realized his pillow was a strong chest! Minato's chest! As for the weight on his head, it was Minato's chin resting on his head!

(We fit together.) The genin's face exploded in a blush and he reluctantly tried to escape the strong arms, but he couldn't, "Ummm M-Minato ... Minato?" The small blonde squeaked as the arms tightened slightly as the jonin slowly woke up.

As Minato's eyes opened he gazed sleepily at the little blonde in his arms thinking he was dreaming, "Beautiful." He mumbled. Suddenly, he too was wide wake and blushed as he let the adorable little blonde go. "I'm sorry, Naruto!" The Namikaze yelped as he avoided eye contact.

"I-it's ok!" An embarrassed Hoseki stammered, "Thank you, Minato, f-for last night."

Minato glanced shyly over his shoulder at his crush and smiled, "I was happy to be there for you ... everybody needs that especially for their first kill." He didn't think he did much besides holding the genin and letting him cry, but he was happy he was there for him.

*knock*knock* "Wake up wake up! Today is the day we travel back to our youthful village!" Lee yelled through the door. A thump was heard as Lee dropped Naruto's bag on the floor outside the door.

"We're coming, Lee! ... he needs to work on his indoor voice." Naruto said with a slight chuckle as he went to get his bag and find his clothes.

"Hey, Naruto ... what does your name mean?" Minato asked after Naruto slipped into the bathroom to change.

"It means gem." The blonde answered through the door.

The jonin's heart skipped a beat and he turned to look at the bathroom door , (A gem ... a precious gem. It's a fitting name.)

Naruto came out of the bathroom wearing a fresh pair of clothes and damp hair from a quick shower, "It's your turn, Minato." Naruto smiled and left Minato to jump in the shower.

As blonde jonin let the hot water roll down his back his mind began to wander, "Why would Kakashi hate Naruto? Is it because of my feelings for Naruto?" His insides twisted painfully at possibility ...

Flashback 6 months ago

"Hey, Kakashi!" Minato yelled as he ran over to the jonin, "Mom is letting me take the jonin test!"

"That's great! Oh, I want you to meet my team. This is Sakura and Sasuke, this is my sensei's son Minato!" The silver haired porn addict introduced proudly. The Uchiha just scoffed and pinky never even looked at him.

"Umm shouldn't there be three in a genin team?" Minato asked as he noticed one member was missing.

Kakashi looked around and yelled, "Naruto! Stop playing around and get out here!"

That's when Minato saw this cute little blonde with long golden hair pulled back in a braid stumble out of a bush, "Hello." He said as he limped over.

The chunin noticed a trickle of blood come down Naruto's arm from under the blue sweatshirt sleeve, "Are you hurt?" It's his first time meeting this person he was already worrying about his safety.

Naruto hide his arm, "No Namikaze-san, I'm fine." That's when Naruto looked at him with those dazzling blue orbs right in the eyes and smiled a beautiful smile that sealed the older blonde's fate ...

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