Chapter Six:

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Zach's POV:

Who the hell does he think he is? Showing at my locker like some crazy person? And why is he acting so nice all of a sudden?

I'm not stupid. He isn't fooling anyone.

If he thinks I'm gonna buy this act, he's so wrong.

I could see him checking me out during the entire first period, and as I was turning my face toward him, he just turned away quickly. Ever since he met me in the bakery, he's acting so weird. Like one day he's the most horrible person ever, and the next day he's acting like we're buddies. 

I just wonder what is wrong with him...

Not that I should care or anything. Actually, I don't care. At all.

 I just don't want his mess to effect on me. He affected my life in a bad way ever since high school started. He and his whole group of idiot jocks did. Made my life hell and myself to a miserable person. 

Maybe I'm too nice. Maybe I should fight back instead of being a bitch and suffering on a daily basis. 

Well, it's not like I can actually fight back against a group of five jocks... but I gotta do something. This must end. This is my last year in high school and at least one of my high school years should have some good memories in it...

Thankfully, today I only have one other mutual lesson with this creep, the last period of the day. I guess I could just skip it and go to the bakery earlier then I planned. I rarely skip classes and I really hate doing it actually (missing learning? as if it's not hard enough to understand everything you learn in class, there's no way I'm learning it by myself) but it's better than staying with him and feel his glares.


At lunch, I sat with Olivia, as I always do (whenever I chose to actually come and eat at the cafeteria, instead of hiding in the library) and together with her boyfriend, Fred. He's an ok guy. Pretty, but really boring, rarely ever say anything, and when he does, it's usually something stupid. But Olivia seems to like him, so I'm keeping it all to myself.

I'm not really hungry. I just play with my French-fries. Dipping them into the ketchup and drawing some random stuff on the tray.

"Zach, please stop doing this, it's really gross... like really" Olivia glares at me.

"I don't know, I think it's cool Zach, kind off artistic even," Fred says in return.

Olivia glares at him and then glares at me again.

"fine. I'll stop. Just mind your own food please." I say.

"maybe you should mind your own food actually..." she fires back.

"Hey, can I sit here?"

I recognize Brian's voice.


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