Chapter Twenty-five:

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A/N: well. this is going to be very awkward.

also, I'm sorry it's really short. I'd rather part it to two, instead of one messy chapter.

I don't know when I'll be able to post again. I'm working six shifts a week, and I have a flight to catch a week and a half from now, so even if I'll have any spare time, I'll need it to get ready for my flight. so sorry in advance.


Zach's POV:

"Um...yeah, that would be really nice of you..."

"ok, seat up then" he said and set up himself.

"wait, do you mean we're going to do it right now?"

"Yeah I kinda meant right now" he chuckled.

I took a deep breath and set up in my bed as well.

Oh god. This is so awkward. Learning how to kiss from a straight guy. at midnight.

"you know what, maybe it's not the right time. I'm pretty sure my parents are still awake"

"I thought you locked the door"

"I did, but they still might hear us"

"isn't it good? At least they'll think you have some love life" he rolled his eyes.

"you're being a dick again" I punched his arm.

"I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure your parents are already sleeping though, it's been almost two hours since your dad left the room"

"well, if you say so..." I could feel myself getting really sweaty already.

"can you just get here already?" he pulled me closer to him by the shirt.

Even though it was completely dark I could see his lips moving as he was talking to me.

I didn't hear a thing though. I was too stressed out, honestly.

He rolled his eyes once again.

I'm pretty sure I snapped out of my mind in that second.

He was leaning his face down and before I could even close my eyes his lips finally met mine.

Oh god.

Oh my god.

My mind was racing.

My eyes were still open,

And let me tell you this, He looked so angelic with his eyes closed while kissing me.

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