Chapter Fifty-eight:

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Brian's POV:

It took me two months to give up and return the football team.

And trust me,

I didn't want to do it.

But I had to.

You see,

I suddenly realized that unlike Zach, I'm completely mediocre.

And unlike Zach, who managed to raise most of his grades to A's ("it's so much easier now that my parents aren't bothering me all the time"), I was still battling to get B's.

And after Bill asked me what I wanted to do after I graduate school, I realize that my only chance to get into university is to get a sports scholarship, hence I was too mediocre for any other scholarship.

And high education is expensive as fuck.

I can barely save up the money I earn in the grocery store...

(I can't just pay Bill nothing at all...)

And now that my mom decided I can get my car back (we still don't talk), I had do pay for gas as well.


it surely did feel good hearing everyone cheer for me and calling my name.

it sure felt good to hear the crowd roar after I scored another touchdown.

it surely sucked to know Zach couldn't be here tonight...

not that he could just wear my jersey and cheer for me if he was here anyway...

I sat down and huffed.

I just finished another game with the team.

The locker-room felt gross.

Everyone was sweaty, everyone was loud.

We just won. Again.

Not to sound cocky, but the team definitely didn't do good without me.

And once I came back? It was like old times. Only winning.

I started dressing up after I took a quick shower.

There's nothing I'd like to do more than to get out of here and go back to Zach's apartment.

"you know, I actually thought you're gonna come back and demand the captain armband again," Cole said as he sat down next to my locker.

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