Chapter Fourteen:

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Brian's POV:

"ready to go back home?" I asked Zach.

"I have a feeling that my mom is waiting with a rolling pin in her hands, ready to smack my ass" he chuckled.

"shit, I already forgot about the fact we skipped school today. I bet my mom isn't happy either..."

"she's probably waiting with a secateurs" he now fully laughed.

"stop it, come on, I'll race you back to the car" I stood up and jumped off the rocks.

"that's not fair, you're a football player, you're definitely in better shape than I am!" he whined.

"I'll let you start running ten seconds earlier, fair enough?"

"make it fifteen" he demanded.

"you've got it, fifteen seconds, starting... now!"

Zach started to run as fast as he can, but I already knew he's not fast enough even with the fifteen seconds advantage.

As soon as his fifteen seconds were up, I run as fast as I could, and he was just slightly ahead of me, but in a reach of a hand.

When he turned around to see where I am, I took advantage of it and grabbed his arm so I could pull him behind me.

His legs got tangled and he almost fell on his face, luckily, I was still holding his arm, so I helped him stable himself again.

"that's just not fair, you're cheating" he pushed my hand away from his arm.

"cheating? How am I cheating exactly!?"

"You agreed to the fifteen seconds advantage just 'cus you already knew it won't help me, and, you also grabbed me! That's cheating!" he crossed his arms like a little kid.

"well, you're right, I'm sorry, I found it funny watching you thinking you could actually win in a race against me" I smirked.

"you're just pure evil, aren't you?" he gave me a little friendly push.

"come on, it's getting really late, we really should drive back home" I just grabbed his hand again and dragged him to the car.

"I don't want to go home. I don't want this evening to end" he said quietly when we entered the car.

"I knew we would have fun, I didn't know you'd enjoy so much you'd never want to leave me though..." I teased him.

"shut up, I just don't want to go back home and deal with my angry parents" he punched my arm playfully.

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