Chapter Twenty-three:

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A/N: two chapters in one day? who is she??? (me trying to make up that short AF chapter I wrote earlier)


Zach's POV:

After I came back home, I ran into my bed and fell asleep.

Right after I made sure I closed the backyard gate and locked both of the front door and my room door.

Oh, and I locked the windows as well. Just in case.


When my mom woke me up, the clock showed it's already 4 PM.

"hey sleepy-head, when did you come back from Brian's house? I never saw you enter the home. I used the spare key to open your room, by the way, you weren't answering me or dad when we called you from downstairs" mom said while ruffling my hair.

"Mmm... I think I came back at 7 AM?" I turned myself on the side, trying to steal a couple more minutes of sleep.

"7 AM? Really? Why so late?"

"he... had an issue. I was staying to sleep there but in the end, I had to get away from there early"

"I hope you didn't fuck up," my mom said.

"what? Me? Why would I fuck up? I didn't do anything to him, he's the one who fucked up!" I turned myself again, to glare at her.

"Whatever you say, sweetie. You want me to bring you some brunch?"

"it's 4 PM, mom. Definitely not the time for brunch. I'm not hungry anyway"

"wow, you're one grumpy little nugget. Now get out of bed, you're wasting your entire day!" she said and exited my room.

I sighed and pushed the covers away from me.

I decided to check my phone.

6 missed calls from Brian.

3 from Olivia.

2 from mom.

8 unread messages from Brian.

20 from Olivia.

1 from mom.

I opened my mom's message first.

Mommy :bear emoji: ; "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF BED!!! :angry emoji:"

I rolled my eyes and opened Olivia's chat;

Liv' :crown emoji: ; "heyyyy! How was at Brian's yesterday?"

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