Chapter Thirty-one:

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A/N: it's short, but I wanted to add another update this week. so, enjoy!


Zach's POV:

"sure, he can come"

"what?! But Olivia! He's a complete stranger!"

"ok, but if he can bring alcohol, he can come!"

"do we really need alcohol to party? We're underaged..."

"do you know that in most of the countries you can drink as soon as you reach the age of 18?"

"well I'm not 18 either"

"Whatever, anyway Zach, my point is that Jake can come if he's bringing alcohol with him"

"it's Jack, not Jake"

"WHATEVER I just want his alcohol!"

"I can't attend the party whatsoever, so it doesn't matter"

"what? Why not?"

"because we won't have enough staff at the store"

"then tell Jenny to come earlier, what's the problem?"

"I don't know if Jenny can come, that's the problem"

"well I don't know, call Brian and tell him he can come back for one shift only"

"what? That's dumb!"

"So is your excuse! Jenny's coming to your Thanksgiving dinner, why can't she come a little earlier to the bakery?!"

"First, it's not 'a little', it's a half-day earlier, second, she doesn't live here anymore, I don't know her class schedule!"

"then ask her! Look, I don't care you're staying home for dinner, I just want you to come to the party. Sure, bringing Jake and his alcohol will be nice, but I don't mind you leaving him behind and coming by yourself"

"it's Jack"

"whatever Zach, just make something to work and come to the party. I'm hanging up now, I need to arrange this entire thing" she said and hung up without saying goodbye.

Ugh. She's so annoying sometimes.

I picked up the phone again and called Fred this time, maybe he'd give me some better advice.

"Hello?" Fred picked up after two rings.

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