Chapter Fifteen:

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A/N: *trigger warning*, at the end of the story there's a small part about violence and blood. if you're sensitive to any, I recommend skipping it. (I'll put another warning before!)


Zach's POV:

I went to school the next morning with a good feeling. Things are going well. I'm actually happy to go to school. 

I have another friend now, Brian, which is funny because if you'd ask me about him two weeks ago, I'd tell you he can go and fuck himself, but here we are, friends and all.

I've been doing even better in classes. It also seems like Brian's old 'friends' forgot about me, at least, that's what I thought.

I entered school, I didn't have a lot of time until the first period since I stopped earlier to grab a much-needed coffee to-go.

As soon as I opened my locker, I could hear Matthew's horrible laughter near my ears.

"Hey buddy, long time no see"

Matthew leaned on the locker next to me. He had he's three dumbass friends with him as always.

The only guy who was missing was Brian, but he's on my side now. Not theirs.

"Leave me alone, Matthew, I don't have time for you guys, I need to go to my first period," I said and started to walk away from them.

Matthew grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me into my locker, needless to say, that my coffee was now completely spilled over my white buttoned shirt.

"I see you grew a pair since Brian became your little buddy, well let me tell you something you little fag, I'm stronger than both of you together, and we're still out-numbering you two, and you know what? I've kinda missed you, and your perfectly punchable body"

"Y-you should really find better hobbies, Matthew"

I said to him as the bell signaling the first period is starting has rung.

"I really like the ones I have right now actually, just don't forget to wait for me after school, I wanna finish this conversation properly" he slapped my cheek and started walking to class. His three puppies went directly after him.

Great. Now I'm late to class, my shirt is stained, I don't have coffee, and I'm gonna get my ass kicked by Matthew by the end of this day.

I sighed and hurried to class.

Luckily, my teacher came to class a little late herself today, so I succeed to arrive before her and avoided getting a late-note.

I set at my desk, next to Olivia and I could sense someone is looking at me. Of course, I didn't have to guess it's Brian since it's one of the only classes we share together and well, he is one of my only friends now.

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