Chapter Eighteen

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Zach's POV:

I didn't show up at school the next day.

Neither the day after.

Call it overreacting, call me total crazy,

But I felt broken.

I barely had the power to leave my room.

And I even barely got up from my bed.

I just laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

So as I was busy pretending to be sick (well, I wasn't completely lying),

My mom and dad let me be.

Even Jenny didn't try to start a conversation about the situation.

But after two days of not answering Olivia's text messages and phone calls, she basically barged in through the door.

"Listen, I get it, you're sad, you're depressed, you're heartbroken, but you can't! absolutely can't! ignore me! Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I rolled on my side and closed my eyes. I can't deal with her right now.

"Olivia, I'm fine. You can leave now, I want to take a nap"

"fine? This is bullshit Zach, I know you haven't left your room in the past two days, your parents told me! Oh, also, they asked me to tell you-you're crying really loud at night, and maybe you could do it in the afternoon instead when no one is at home to hear you?"

"They actually said it!?" I finally turned myself back to her.

"Oh, this and many more! Now get up! We're going shopping! After you'll get a shower obviously..."

"what? I'm not going to shop with you, leave me alone"

"This is the last thing you need right now, to be alone, now get up, Fred is already on his way to the mall. You're going to have some fun time with your friends. Now get to the shower, you're smelling like a dead animal or something."

"you don't need to be mean you know..."

I got up from my bed and headed to the shower.


After the shower, I took a glance in the mirror. Man, I do look like shit.

I have huge purple bags under my eyes, my entire face is puffy, and my cheeks are flaming red from all of the crying I've been up to in the past days.

When I stepped out of my bathroom, Olivia was seating patiently on my bed, with her phone in her hand.

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