Chapter Sixty:

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A/N: first off all, I already want to apologize for next week, I'm not sure what's going on at my job but I legit got a shift like every day. so I don't think I could update twice next week, but I'll try my best. in general, the next month is going to be busy, it's a month full of Jewish holidays, which means a lot of people are flying, which means I have a lot of job to do. so sorry for that.

also, the next chapter is prom time! get your fancy clothes ready!


Zach's POV:

"so? What did you want to talk about so late at night?" Brian said as he was laying down the couch and yawning.

"it's not that late..." I mumbled.

"are you purposely stalling time?" Brian asked.

"what?! No!"

Yes, I am actually.

Brian sighed and rolled his eyes.

"well? I'm here now" he said.

"so, you know how I'm meeting up with this therapist..."


"and I went to see her today..."

"carry on..."

"and we were talking about stuff that happened recently..."

"Zach, will you just cut to the point already? I just want to go home and go to sleep"

I sighed.


Brian immediately pouted.

"what about it?" he asked.

"I changed my mind. I want you to take me to prom"

"I already told you, I can't do it"

"of course you can!"

"no, Zach! I seriously can't!"

"Brian, no-one even cares about it! About us! Think about it, everyone just ignores Matthew whenever he tries to pull the 'Zach's gay' card! No one actually cares about this" I defended.

Brian sighed again.

"Zach, no offense but I think it's because they don't care about you"

Well, ouch.

"I mean, I'm one of the best football players at school, I used to be the team's captain till recently, I basically carry that entire team on my back, and people for sure care about every little thing that I do," Brian said and sat up the couch.

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