Bonus part:

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A/N: helloooo ~

1. thank you all again for all the good feedback, you guys are truly amazing and so helpful.

2. this 'chapter' is a bit strange, I went again and read the story a little bit from the beginning, and I realized that there are some parts I need to fill, because this story is full of holes, apparently. (as I said, this is my first story ever, and you can definitely tell!)

3. this part supposed to show you what happened between Kate and Brian after Zachary left the bakery and went home.


Brian POV:

I've watched Zachary leaving the bakery, then I returned my look to Kate.

She seemed pretty pissed.

"so? Have you decided what are we going to do?" she put a hand on her hip.

"Look, Kate, I'm going to give you a ride home. But I'm not going to stay. I've got stuff to do. So either you'll drive with your car, either you'll leave it here and ride with me." I glared at her right back. She's not intimidating me with that look.

"you're joking, right?" she laughed sarcastically.

"does it seem like I'm joking, Kate?" now I rested my hand on my hip.

Is she that dumb?

"Whatever, I'll leave my car here. Now let's go. It's freezing." She turned around and stepped outside of the bakery.

I followed her and we entered my car.

"that's a nice car you have"

She said, petting the leather seats.

"thanks. It was a gift from my dad"

"that's nice. My car is nice as well. I hope nothing will happen to it while I'm gone. This neighborhood doesn't look very safe to me" she turned her look from the leather seats back to me.

"Kate, stop it. This is a great neighborhood. I live just next by."

I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever you say Bri, I'm just saying, that if anything bad will happen to Fi, I'll be very pissed"

"Fi? Who's Fi?" I glanced at her confused.

"Fiona! My car! Obviously!"

"you have a name for your car?"

"I have a name for everything, silly!"

"that's... interesting"

"for example, I have our ship name! what do you think about 'Brate'? isn't it adorable???"

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