"GreenClan, attack!" Stormstar yowled. Nuttree's stomach clenched.
The DawnClan camp was surprisingly easy to get into, which definitely wasn't a good thing...
"It's time to fight..." Sparrowwing mewed.
"I guess" Nuttree replied. Sparrowwing padded forward. Nuttree watched as Whiteeye, the DawnClan deputy, pounced onto her. Nuttree raced over there as fast as she could, but it was hard to run in the sand. When she got to them she clawed his side. He hissed, got off Sparrowwing and dug his claws into her shoulder. Nuttree writhed and managed to pin him down. He tried to move but she clawed his belly with her back paw claws. He yowled and kicked her off of him. Nuttree felt a little burst of pride in her chest. She looked around. Who else needed her help?
She heard a screech of agony and immediately turned her head to the source of the sound. It was Yellowpaw. She ran to the pale yellow she-cat and aimed to claw the grey and white tom in the side of the head. But that didn't happen. The tom turned his head and Nuttree scratched him in the snout. He snarled but tried to keep his grip on Yellowpaw. "Mousetail! Come here!" He called.
A small brown she-cat stormed to the group. Nuttree wasn't very intimated, so she tried to pounce on Mousetail, but she dashed from under her and grasped Nuttree's skin with her claws. Nuttree yowled in pain. She felt a warm stream of blood leak from her shoulder. "Come with me if you don't want me to kill you right now" she hissed into Nuttree's ear.
Now she was definitely intimidated.
Nuttree nodded and whimpered a little. Mousetail let go of her and signalled with her tail to follow her. Nuttree didn't want to get hurt, so she listened. The DawnClan warrior led her to a big log that could probably fit about four cats inside.
Nuttree realized this must be the leader's den; Lionstar was sitting down. Nuttree sat stiffly. Why was she here? What did Lionstar want with her?
In a few heartbeats the grey cat brought Yellowpaw to the den. He was carrying her by the scruff. It looked pretty awkward as Yellowpaw was pretty much the same size as him. He dropped her and Yellowpaw gave a hiss of defiance.
"Thank you, Bluejay, Mousetail" Lionstar nodded to his warriors. They nodded in unison back at him, and left.
"Hello" Lionstar meowed.
Nuttree was very afraid, but she managed to mew a simple "hi."
Yellowpaw said nothing.
Lionstar studied them. "It's so good to finally see you again" he purred. Nuttree felt a wave of confusion. Yellowpaw glared at him. Lionstar gave a purr of amusement. "I guess you haven't figured out yet, have you? That's alright, I'll make it easy for you. I'm your father."
Nuttree felt her heart sink. She slowly turned to look at Yellowpaw. Her... sister... looked shocked. Lionstar gave a laugh. "I can see this surprises you! Oh well. Would you like to meet your mother?" Nuttree already knew who her mother was. Were they going to leave the DawnClan camp?
Yellowpaw glared at her paws. Questions were probably whirling around in her head.
"Well? Would you or not?" He asked impatiently. Nuttree gave a little nod. "Okay." They all got up. Lionstar pushed his way through his daughters and padded through the sand like it was nothing. Nuttree tripped in the sand and Yellowpaw slowly sank her paw into it. Lionstar gave a roar of laughter. "Right, GreenClan has no beach!" He exclaimed. "Wait here."
He ran to a boulder that seemed to be covering a hole. He stuck his head into the hole.
Nuttree felt a burning gaze on the back of her head. She turned to see Yellowpaw quickly move her eyes to stare at her paws again.
Lionstar padded back with Flowerfox behind him. The dark ginger she-cat looked like she was about to cry. "My kits!" She mewed not louder than a whisper. Yellowpaw seemed overwhelmed. She took a few steps back but tripped against the log. Nuttree looked into her... mother's... eyes. Flowerfox blinked and tears streamed out of her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Swampkit"
"Swampkit?" Nuttree echoed in confusion. Flowerfox took a deep breath. "I'll explain everything to you two. Come" She mewed.
But Lionstar interrupted. "Flowerfox, should I not be the one to explain? I mean, you're just going to wail like a kit when you start!" He chuckled. Flowerfox looked at him, pain in her amber eyes. "B-but-"
"No. I'm their father, and now I'm their leader. It's more appropriate for me to tell them how things are. Go back to your den."
Flowerfox unsheathed her claws. "You piece of foxdung" she hissed under her breath. Nuttree felt like saying something for once. "I met Flowerfox once before. She couldn't explain back then, but she looks stronger now." Lionstar glared at Nuttree. Her heart pounded. I should've just kept my mouth shut!
"Oh really?" The golden leader growled. Nuttree's ears went back in fear. She saw Lionstar glare into Flowerfox's eyes. "Fine then. Go along" he hissed. Flowerfox did everything she could not to look at him as she padded slowly out of camp. Nuttree followed her, but Yellowpaw hung back.
"Didn't you hear me? I said go!" Their father roared. Yellowpaw scurried to them. Nuttree saw a few warriors staring at them.
Nuttree tripped and looked forward. They were climbing up a hill. When they got to the top, they were at the meadow Nuttree had seen in that one dream.

Warriors - A New Tale
FantasyNutkit is a curious kit. As she grows, she gets into many mishaps. Some hilarious, some terrifying.