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Revolution in the Night | Chapter Seven

"And that is why I can never see you again."

Adélie felt her heart drop in her chest, anger rising within her as she looked at the man before her. His face seemed conflicted, his eyes soft, but the emotions coming from within them stern. He was serious. How could he toy with her emotions so?

"Do you think this is just some game you can play when you get bored? I have nothing, nothing, Enjolras. Do you not understand the pain you have caused me, the pain you are causing me right now?"

As if on cue, the sky above them darkened, the grey clouds blocking out the warm light of the sun. Thunder rumbled throughout the streets of Paris, the spring day instantly changing in seconds.

"Adélie, you said yourself that I have a lot going on right now," Enjolras said, reaching for her arms and pulling her towards him, his thumbs stroking her arms gently. "I am in the midst of starting a revolution. I am trying to save my people, to save you, for God's sake! I do not have time for some silly, childish romance."

"Childish?" Adélie scoffed, holding back her angry tears as she pushed his hands from her. "Were you even there last night? Did you not feel the love, the passion, that we shared? I have never been in love before, but I know that I felt it last night."

A few drops of rain fell from the grey skies above, and began to pick up speed, slowly, until the couple was standing in a downpour, the rain soaking their clothes.

"You cannot possibly know that this is love. I've known you for a day. Love doesn't just happen overnight. When you grow up you will understand," Enjolras said, running his fingers through his dripping hair. His cheeks were bright red, and his heart was pounding. The words that fell from his mouth were not at all what he wanted to say. But he could not let this go on any longer.

"When I grow up?" Adélie cried, the tears now falling down her rosy cheeks, mixing with the raindrops, her heart pounding with anger. She could not understand how she could love and hate a person as much as she did at this very moment. "You are the one acting like a child here. You won't even admit to the fact that you felt something between us, because you are too stubborn to pull your head out of your ass and realise that there are more important things in life than a silly little revolution that is never going to succeed." She wiped at her cheeks, taking a few more steps away from him.

"Face it, Enjolras. You are a coward. You are so afraid of failing yourself that you push your emotions away. You are nothing but a selfish, cowardly bastard."

The hurt on his face was evident, and she hated herself for what she had said. But the anger and sorrow that she felt was so strong, the words had flowed out of her mouth before she could even think about the effect that they would have on him.

"Shut up. Shut the hell up," the blonde boy said, his lips quivering as he walked towards her, his hands reaching up to grab her face harshly, his blue eyes looking intently into hers. "Do not act like you know me. You know nothing of me."

Adélie was treading on thin ice now. He was right, she did know nothing of him. She had spilled her entire life story to him, and she had yet to learn anything about him. But she no longer cared. He had hurt her, and she wanted him to feel the pain that she had felt.

"I may know very little of you, Monsieur, but I do know that you are not, and never will be, man enough to admit your emotions. You let your pride overshadow your emotions so much so that you will never be able to admit to yourself that you are just as much in love with me as I am with you."

In an instant, his lips were on hers, a spark of electricity shooting throughout both of them as a clap of thunder echoed through the skies. The passion had returned. He kissed her with so much force and longing that she felt as if she could stay in this moment forever.

But then the kiss ended, and they were just two people, absolutely infatuated with one another, standing in the pouring rain in the backstreets of Paris. His eyes pleaded with hers, pleaded that she could forget all of this. It was selfish, but how could it be selfish when he planned to rescue the people of France from this Hell that they were living? How could it possibly be selfish to want to help other people, if only it meant that he had to hurt just one person in the process?

He hated himself, he truly did, for what he was about to do her.

"I'm so sorry, Adélie. But there are just some things in life that cannot be. And you see, a love like ours can never, ever be."

𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ⋆ 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐥𝐫𝐚𝐬Where stories live. Discover now