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Revolution in the Night | Chapter Twenty

The hours seemed to drag on for what felt like an eternity. Adélie surely thought that Enjolras had just decided to leave her there. After all, his life would be a lot easier without her in it.

Officer Dumont hadn't come to visit her the rest of the night, thankfully. Though it was hard to tell what time it was, it surely had to be late. It must be night, at least. Adélie tried making conversation with the other prisoners, but the woman to her left seemed to be having conversations with a million different people in her head, and the man to her right didn't seem to be in the mood to talk.

She was starving once again, and she regretted rejecting the food that Dumont had brought her earlier. She counted the minutes in her mind, picking at a loose string along the hem of her dress, twisting and braiding her hair mindlessly, tracing the cobblestones underneath her, anything to try and keep herself from falling asleep. She wanted to be awake when — or rather, if — Enjolras returned.

She didn't want to be the type of girl that needed to be saved by a man, but now, he was her only hope. She knew Dumont would not give her a fair trial, and from what he had told her, she knew he wouldn't let her go so easily.

A few days ago, she was willing to die because she had nothing to live for. But now, she had Enjolras. She had something to live for. She couldn't bear the thought of spending the rest of her life in this cell, slowly going insane just like her neighbours. And what hurt even more, was knowing that if she stayed in here, she would not be able to keep her promise to Enjolras' mother. She wouldn't be able to protect him from in here.

When she could no longer bear to keep her head up, Adélie found herself asleep on the cold floor, her legs curled up against herself to keep warm. She tried to stay awake, but had ultimately given into sleep out of sheer boredom.

"Adélie, wake up!"

The brown haired girl had barely begun to dream when a voice spoke quickly, waking her from her sleep. Éponine stood on the other side of the bars, looking side to side as if making sure that no one was coming. Adélie pushed herself up from the ground, rushing to the bars. Just then, she heard feet running down the hallway from either side.

Peeking through the bars, she saw Joly and Courfeyrac running from one side, and Enjolras running from the other.

He had come for her, and so had all of Les Amis. Though it was just for a moment, Adélie felt her heart swell. After this morning, she knew that Enjolras cared about her. But now, seeing all these other people, all risking their lives just for her, she truly understood what love was. Love wasn't just what she felt for Enjolras, but it was also what she shared with Éponine, and Joly, and all of these people that were here for her now. She had never known what it was like to have so many people that cared for her. Before, she had only had her father. And yes, she missed him every moment. But now, she had all of these people. And she had never felt more grateful in her life.

"Prouvaire and Combeferre are holding off the guard at the north entrance, and Feuilly and Bahorel are keeping the south entrance clear," Enjolras told the others, glancing at Adélie through the bars, his eyes lingering on hers for a moment, as if asking her if she was okay. Adélie noticed a glint of something in his hand. He had the key. How had he gotten it so easily?

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