Uzumaki of the Mist

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(Naruto, looks like the picture, just with auburn colored hair, dark blue eyes, no whisker marks and is 5 years older then Mito, outfit will be the same in the picture as well but with dark green pants)

"Thank you all for coming, to Mito's 8th birthday, it is with great pleasure that my wife and i announce Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze as our Heir," the voice of Minato Namikaze said a loud getting clapping from the audience, the clan children all crowding around Mito looking at her gifts.

Jiraya allowing Mito to Sign the Toad contract when she became a Gennin, while Tsunade decided to take her on as her new apprentice since Shizune learned all she knew and them some, Kushina gushed at her baby whole talking to the other clan wives, the party was in full swing and all were having a good time..

Sitting at the foot of the top stairs was 13 year old Naruto, who was now pale white, tears pouring from his eyes, he clenched his fist so hard blood came out, 'so they finally did it huh? Fuck them then..i'm gone,' thought the bitter pre-teen as he got up and packed what little he had, as well as the jutsus he copied from his former families library as well.

Once packed, he made his way out the window and headed out of the village.

Naruto used to be loved, but at Five years old, it was announced his parents were expecting a little girl and slowly they began to forget about him, not calling him down to eat of waking him up in the mornings, when ever he tried to talk to them, they looked at him like he was an annoyance, short answers and lies were all he heard, eventually he stopped trying to talk to them and they forgot about his existence all together, he became bitter and angry, he swore he would never let them in and began forging his own path.

This continued as the years went on, then when the attack happened, things changed again, a man in a mask took the Biju and tried to destroy the village, Naruto using his intelligence delayed the attack allowing Minato time to fight him and seal the Biju into his daughter, once again no credit was given to Naruto and soon enough after the village heard the news he was seen as a failure.

This destroyed his faith in the village and never trusted it again and now with his birthright being taken from him he had no reason to stay there anymore, no friends either so it was an easy decision to make.

He made his way out of the front gates, seeing the guards asleep at the job he walked out, taking one last look he sneered at the village, "i hope this place burns to the ground," he said as he walked off down the path, it would be many years before he ever stepped foot in this village again.


5 long years passed after that night, the village went about it's day as if nothing had happened, the day after he was gone was when his family had come back to their senses, but by then was too late for them now.

(flashback to the next day)

It was a quite morning, at the Namikaze house, Minato and Kushina had woken up early, to get their day started, but something kept bugging them, something in the back of there minds told them something was off, but they couldn't figure out what so they let it go for now as they heard Mito and Jiraya come down stairs.

"Ohiyo," the couple said.

"Ohiyo, Kaa-chan, Tou-san," Mito replied while Jiraya nodded still tired with a slight hangover.

They sat at the table and breakfast was served they ate and talked about last night, smiling about the whole thing, when Minato spoke up.

"Oh that reminds me, this years graduations are today, i need to make up teams for them," he said.

Uzumaki: The Dragon of the MistWhere stories live. Discover now