Chapter 5: Persuasive Vomit

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Jack's P.O.V

I walked into my bathroom with a sigh. I hate Mondays. It's surrently 5:30. I have to wake up early so I don't run into my dad on the way out. I end up at school way earlier than I'm supposed to be there, but that's fine with me as long as I don't have to see my dad in the morning.

I frowned at my outfit. I'm dressed way to casually. A red shirt and jeans. I want to catch a Finns attention so badly.

Does it really matter though? Would he even notice if I dressed differently for once?

I mean, Finn's not even gay so none of this should even matter if I'm being honest. I wish he was gay. I have the biggest crush on him...

Even if he's not gay, I'm glad me and him are becoming friends. I still don't really understand why he invited me to get coffee yesterday though.

Maybe he wanted to be nice? I don't know, it was kind of out of no where, but I'm glad we are going out again today. I'm going to go steal some money out of my dads wallet if I can, that way Finn doesn't have to pay for my coffee again.

That was embarrassing. I wish I could afford to buy a stupid cup of coffee. Maybe I should get a job? It might be kind of hard though considering I'm only fifteen and most places hire starting st sixteen years old. I looked at the sink counter and at my EpiPen.

Should I leave it at home today? I haven't had an allergic reaction in awhile and it's embarrassing that Finn knows I have one.

I hate carrying it around in my pocket. I rolled my eyes and picked it up, shoving it deep into my pocket and I looked down at my empty trashcan.

I'm still absolutely disgusted that my father went through my bathroom but I should've put more thought into it I guess. I'm an idiot when it comes to that stuff.

I exited my room and threw my pack back on. I walked down the stairs quietly to make my way to the living room. I grabbed my fathers wallet and took a ten dollar bill.

I hope to god he doesn't notice, but I don't think I need to, I should be fine. I shoved the money into my pocket with my EpiPen and put my dirty converse on before walking out the door. It's so dark out here jeez.

I began walking and when I got close to Finns street I considered walking down it and seeing if he's awake. I mean, what's the harm? I'll just say I thought I left my pants there.

I walked to Finns house and the only car in the driveway was Finns. I smiled to myself as I planted a rather loud knock upon the door.

"One sec!" He yelled from behind the wood door. I grabbed my left wrist with my right hand and waited patiently for Finn to come open the door. When he did he looked quite shocked.

"J-Jack? What are you doing here?" He said as he moved out of the way and gestured for me to come inside.

"Should I um.. not be here?" I blushed.

This was a bad idea. I shouldn't have came here.

"No, it's fine... but why?" He asked and I fidgeted with my EpiPen in my pocket.

"I um, I think I left my blue jean's here." I said quietly.

"Oh, um... Okay. We can go check my room, but why would you come so early? You could've texted me too you know." He said as he guided me to his room.

"I um... I don't really have a reason." I said so quietly it almost sounded like a whisper. I feel like even more of an idiot now. What was I fucking thinking?

Oh let me just go to my crushes house at fucking 5:40 and tell him it's because I think I left my blue jean's there.

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