Chapter 15: Shattered Lies

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Third person P.O.V

Finn pushed his boyfriend up against the wall and began planting tiny kisses all over his face. "C-Cut it out!" Jack said through giggles. "I can't you're so precious." Finn said and placed his hands onto his waist and slowly moved to the bed. He laid Jack onto the bed and hovered over him as he pressed a long, sloppy kiss to his boyfriends lips.

"God, you're so fucking sweet." Finn said as he slowly let himself down so his body met Jack's. Finn kissed Jacks lips and moved down to his jawline, sucking on it slowly. "Oh god F-Finn what are we doing?" Jack asked. Jack is getting a little nervous, but he doesn't hate the idea of sex. He was completely nervous last time.

He thought since Finn and him weren't even dating why would Finn even try that? But Jack's had wet dreams about this before. He knows he wants it and he doesn't think he can reject Finn again. "I'm professing my feelings to you shorty." Finn said and started biting down on Jack's neck to leave a good sized hickey.

"I like it." Jack said and placed his hands around Finns waist as he sucked his neck and licked down in it. Finn grabbed the ends of Jack's shirt and looked up to him. "Do you want this?" Finn asked feeling a little guilt washing over him- he didn't mind too much he's not doing anything other than playing a game.

That's all this is to Finn right now, a game. If his friends hadn't dared him to, he wouldn't be doing this right now. But to Jack, this is so much more. He trusts Finn with everything he has and more. He trusts this is out of love and care. It would break Jack's heart if he knew it wasn't how he thought it to be.

"Yes Finn. I want this so badly!" He moaned in front of his boyfriend not feeling embarrassed or shamed at all. Jack's never been so comfortable with someone in all his life. Finn doesn't understand this. He doesn't understand that Jack is in the middle of finding himself because he's with Finn and he's truly happy.

Finn slowly slipped off Jack's shirt as he thought of what he was going to get at Colton's tomorrow before the party. He can ver whatever he wants and let me tell you he is so excited about it. Yes, Finn is feeling pleasure and he truly does like Jack, but that doesn't mean he's doing this out of love.

Finn eagerly lunged forward and began sucking on Jack's left nipple. Jack moaned loudly from this action only to be hushed by Finn. "You have to be quiet kitten." Finn said as he licked around his nipple and Jack bit his lip harshly to hold in any moan that tried to escape.

"F-Finn please do more to me." Jack moaned quietly and Finn moved his hands to Jack's blue jeans. "C-Can I?" Finn asked. Jack shook his head yes violently and Finn slowly unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them down his thighs. "P-Please!" Jack moaned. "Shh, be patient with me." Finn whispered and placed a light kiss on Jacks scar covered thigh.

"Are you alright? Why did you do this to yourself?" Finn asked and he ran a finger over Jacks old scars. "I... I don't wanna talk about it. Just please keep going." Jack said and Finn nodded.

Don't get distracted Finn. Just fuck him and you'll get what you want from your favorite restaurant tomorrow.

Finn smiled as he pulled Jack's pants down all the way. He threw them to the ground and scooted himself up to below Jack's waist. "I wanna try something." Finn said as he pulled Jack's underwear down slightly. "I just gotta ask again. It's not to late to stop ever. You know what right? I don't care if I'm on the brink of an orgasam if you wanna stop tell me." Finn said.

"I know. K-Keep going." Jack said as he licked his lips. Finn pulled off Jack's boxers all the way and tossed them to the side. Finn kissed Jack's cock and smiled against it. "You're so perfect in every way you know that right baby?" Finn said and Jack blushed. Finn began liking the tip and slowly took the tip into his mouth. Jack bucked his his hips up roughly causing Finn to take more of him.

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