This is back to the normal point of view.

"Y/n!" You're dad had shouted. You were terrified, you thought it was a good idea to bake cupcakes because it was Valentines day, and you didn't clean it up. You shook in fear as you walked down the stairs to your father. 

"Y-yes, father?" You were visibly shaking. 

"Why did you make cupcakes?" He was holding a knife.

"B-because t-the class i-is b-bringing sweets today, a-and  I offered to bring some," You explained shakily. 

"Did you eat any?" He held the knife to your neck. You did, you had to make sure they tasted right. 

"Y-yes...." He huffed and cut the side of your neck open. Blood spooled everywhere and he just walked away and out of the house. You whimpered in pain before quickly grabbing some gauze and placing it on the cut. 

"Y/n!" Lily was shaking you awake. You groggily opened your eyes and sat up, forgetting your didn't have your jacket on and so she could see the cuts and the bruises. 

"Yeah?" Her eyes widened and she gasped. Shit! I forgot to put my jacket on!

"W-What happened t-to y-your arms?" She was clearly flustered. You couldn't answer, instead you grabbed you jacket pulled it on and ran. You ignored her calling your name and headed to Herbology. You ran in, seemingly making it before everyone but the boys.

"Y/n!" James said happily, before realizing how heavily you were breathing. "You okay?"

"Yeah *huff* I just had to run to get here," you explained and smiled. Sirius looked at you with confusion. 

"Why did you have to run?" he asked. You didn't want to have to have the confrontation of them asking more about your arms so you just sighed and said, 

"It's personal, I might tell you if I get to know you better." Remus frowned at this. He didn't like that you were keeping so many secrets from him.

The students walked into the room, along with the teacher, which meant class had officially started. You sighed and sat down on one of the plant-free tables. 


Hey, sorry that is chapter is painfully short and is late, I am trying to do 2 chapters a day and I WILL be posting chapter 7 in like 30 minutes, or something, thanks!

(Marauders era) Remus Lupin x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now