I'm back as promised with new chapter. This is in Lily's p.o.v. from the time she was asked to wake up lily to wherever the end of this will be. 

"What was that all about?" Alice asked. 

"He just asked for a favor from me," I explained.

"Oh k." She rolled her eyes. 

The rest of lunch was excruciatingly boring, which meant I was glad when lunch got dismissed as over, and we could all have like 10 minutes to do whatever. I didn't know how heavy of a sleeper she was, and I wanted enough time to get to class on time, so I went straight to the dorms. No one else was in the room, but a small curled up Y/n. Her h/l h/c hair was strewn around her. I noticed that she was whimpering softly and was mumbling something under her breath shakily. 

"Y/n," I said and shook lightly. She didn't respond. "Y/n!" I said a little louder. She groggily sat up and rubbed her eyes. I suddenly noticed the large amount of bruised on her arms and the vast amount of cuts, some event that looked like they need stitches on her left arm. 

"W-what happened t-to y-your arms?" I asked shakily. Her eyes with widened, she put her jacket on and ran out of the dorm room. I shouted her name, but to no avail. I couldn't really understand what had just happened. Questions started circling through my head. 

Does she....No she couldn't. Could she be abused? That would make sense. But, why try to hide it from me? I could help her. Maybe she thinks I won't help.

I quickly ran after her to Herbology and made it in with a bunch of other students. The teacher had started explaining what a certain plant does, and why we use it. I wasn't really listening. 

I could tell Remus, he might know how to help her. I'll do that, when class ends I'll tell Remus what I saw.

Class went by more slowly that I thought it would, and I was grateful when it ended. I walked over to Remus and asked If I could speak to him in private, he reluctantly agreed and walked over to a small corner. 

"So, what is it that you wanted to talk about?" he asked. I took a deep breath and said, 

"I'm worried about Y/n." He just simply nodded in understanding. "I saw something on her arms earlier. It looked like cuts and bruised. I think she might be abused and/or depressed." I explained. 

"I noticed that her wrist was slightly fractured and came to the same conclusion. If we're right, we have to tell the school, or get her some help. I might be able to convince my parents to let her stay over," he said. 

"That would be good." He started to walk away, but I said quickly, "Wait! One more thing. Some of the cuts looked like they needed stitches, so I feel like we should convince her to go to the nurse to get them cleaned and stitched up. It'll be hard to convince her, though." I added. 

"Yeah, I'll talk to her during dinner." 

With that he walked away and headed to the next class, but I noticed something. A bunch of the slytherin girls + Y/n were missing. I quickly ran back to the classroom, only to find some girls punching and kicking Y/n. 

"You're such a slutt! Why would James ever hang out with your sorry ass?" One said and slammed their fist into her face. 

"Oh my god, lose some weight, freak!" Another said. 

"You're such an ugly attention whore, Y/n!" The first one said and grabbed her hair, before using it to slam her head into the wall. She whimpered in pain as blood started dripping from it. The girls laughed and walked away. 

I ran up to Y/n and asked, 

"Are you okay?" I pulled her to her feet and she mumbled something. I noticed that there was a ton of blood dripping from her head. "Oh merlin, Y/n! We need to get you to the infirmary." She shook her head and quietly said, 

"No, that's unnecessary. I can handle this myself. We wouldn't want them to get in trouble after all. But, thanks anyway for the offer, I can take care of myself, so you can go leave now." I sighed grabbed her hand. 

"As much as you might be able to help yourself with the bruises, we need to get some help with that head of yours, so come on let's go." I pulled her out of the classroom and started walking towards the infirmary.

(Marauders era) Remus Lupin x depressed reader.Where stories live. Discover now