Chapter 2

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Selina's POV
It was the end of school. Selina grabbed her bag and walked out to the front of the school. She sees Tabs car and walks over. She opens the door and gets in.
"How was it" Tabs says as Selina closes the door.
"Boring" Selina says.
"Did you find anything on the money" she says.
"Nothing I went to the places where there where no one to see if they where hiding it there and there was nothing. I'm thinking that maybe it is in the cafeteria. Hide it in plain sight" she says.
"Well your not going to get anywhere if that is the case" Tabs says. She sighs.
"Keep looking and if you can't find anything in the quiet spots then we are going to have to plan a break in" she says. Selina nods.
"Ok let's go. If we don't get back quick Barbra won't be happy" Tabs says starting the car and driving away.

Tabitha and Selina walk into the club.
"Took you long enough" Barbra Kean says.
"There was traffic" Tabitha says.
"This is gotham there is no such thing as traffic" a voice says. Selina turns and sees her friend Amber Hall.
"It doesn't matter. The important thing is if Selina has found the money" Barbra says.
"It has been one day and the school is huge. It's going to at least take a few weeks" She says.
"We don't have a few weeks we need the money now" Barbra says putting her glass on the table.
"And we will have it Barbra. It is not an easy task for one person" Tabitha says. Barbra raises her eyes brows.
"What if we sent amber as well. They could get it done in half the time" Barbra says. Amber shakes her head.
"No I'm not doing it" she says.
"Well you don't have a choice you do it or you go back on the streets. Take your pick" Barbra says. Amber looks at her with anger.
"Fine" she huffs. Barbra smiles.
"Good I will call the school and let them know you will be joining next week" she says getting up and walking away.
I look over at her. "I'm sorry" I say.
"It's fine it's Barbra ya know" she says. I nod.
"Ok Selina get whatever homework you have get it done" Tabitha says.
"Seriously" I ask.
"Yes you need to blend in don't stick out like a sore thumb go it" she says. I groan.
"Fine" I say.

Bruce POV
Bruce walks out of school with Vanessa and Liam.
"Like seriously I could not find her. I even went to the library to look for her" Liam complains. Vanessa laughs.
"The librarian and everyone else must have got a big shock when they saw you" she laughs. Liam fake laughs.
"Yeah yeah" he says. We walk over to alfred.
"Master Bruce I see we are taking Miss David's and Mr Aaron's home today" he says.
"Yes please" I say getting in the car.
"Very well" he says.

We drop off Vanessa and Liam. Me and alfred sit in silence.
"So anything new at school Master Bruce" he asks.
"Just a new girl names Selina Kyle" I tell him.
"Have you talked to this Selina Kyle" he asks.
"Just a short conversation. Liam wanted to do things with her but I have a feeling that she is different" I say.
"In What way" he asks.
"She doesn't seem to be looking for a relationship or have friends in that fact" I say.
"Well maybe you should try and be her friend" he says.
"I will alfred"I say looking out of the window.

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