Chapter 34

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Selina and lee walk into the apartment. The apartment was nice. It wasn't to fancy. But for a cop and doctor who weren't home much it made sense.
"I will show you the bathroom and give you some new clothes so you can change and then you can sleep in the guest bedroom" Lee says. Lee goes into her room and then comes out with some clothes.
"Here are some of my clothes. If you just leave your clothes by the door I can clean them for you" she says. Selina nods.
"Thank you" Selina says as she closes the bathroom door and has a shower. After a shower Selina walks out in the clothes and walks to the kitchen. She sees lee making a cup of tea.
"Here you go. Drink that and then go to sleep it should help you. When Bruce gets out of surgery I will come and get you" she says. Selina smiles.
"Thank you Lee for everything" she says. Lee smiles and hugs the younger girl. It was weird she had only know this girl 2 hours at the most but she already felt like Selina was her daughter. Maybe it was a sign of something but it was to early to say.
"Get some sleep" she says. Selina nods and walks off to the guest bedroom which Lee had already shown her.

Selina wakes up to the feeling of someone shaking her.
"Selina wake up Bruce is out of surgery" she hears Lee say. She opens her eyes when she hears that.
"He's out" she says. Lee nods.
"I have someone in the living room who needs to see you" she says. Selina nods. She gets up and walks into the living room. In there she sees Amber and Liam.
"Selina" Amber says as she runs up and hugs her. Selina hugs her back.
"Alfred was able to tell us where you are. Are you Ok where you hurt" she asks.
"Not physically but emotionally yes" she says. Amber hugs her tighter.
"He's going to be ok" she says. Selina nods.
"Ok Selina if you quickly get dressed we can be down there in 15 minutes" Lee says. Selina runs into the bedroom and gets changed into her clothes which Lee has cleaned for her.

Lee, Selina, Amber and Liam walk into the hospital. Lee walks up to the reception and asks where Bruce is.
"Selina me and Amber will wait out here we don't want to overwhelm him" Liam says. Selina nods and hugs both of them.
"Thank you" she says.
"Selina he is in room 353" she says. Lee and Selina walk down the hall and to Bruce's room.
When they get there Lee knocks on the door before both of them walk in.
Selina sees Bruce lying in bed with a hospital gown on. His eyes closed and his chest going up and down as he sleeps. She sees Alfred sitting in the chair next to his bed.
"Selina are you Ok" Alfred asks.
"She's Fine she was in shock but she has eaten and got some sleep so she should be fine" Lee says.
"Thank you dr Thompkins" Alfred says. Lee smiles.
"Has the doctor said when he might wake up" Selina asks.
"The doctor said no more than an hour. They said that it had hit his stomach but they where able to repair it. They said he will be here for 2 weeks and then he can go home but he must be on strict bed rest for 3 weeks after that" Alfred says. Selina nods before sitting in the chair across from Alfred.
"Well I will tell the doctors to leave you here and to not disturb you" Lee says before walking out of the room.
Selina takes ahold of Bruce's hand and strokes it with her thumb.
"He will be fine Miss Kyle" Alfred says as he strokes her back. Selina nods.
"It just hurts to see the one you love most in the world like this" she says. Alfred hugs her.

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