Chapter 48

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Selina grabs one of her tops out of the closet and goes over and places it i one of the boxes. She was packing her things and moving into Wayne Manor. It had been a few days since they asked Lee, Jim and Barbara if she could move in with bruce. She was happy that they said yes as she was ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Tabitha walks over and stands leaning up against the door frame. She looks at Selina packing her things up. She remembers the day the girls decorated the room and how it has changed over the years. Now Selina was moving out and Amber was going to be moving out at some oint within the next few months with Liam after the baby comes. It was all changing and Tabitha didn't know how to feel about it. She was going to miss hearing them laughing in their room. How they would have pillow fights. How they would agrue about how the girls had to wash the glasses in the bar when Barbara and Tabitha didn't. She was going to miss all of it.

selina turns and sees Tabtiha standing at the door. She gives her a small smile which tabitha returns. "You all packed" Tabitha asks as she walks over to selina. "Yeah just hve to close this box. Alfred and Bruce are going to come over in 30 minute with the car" she says. Tabtiha nods. Selina looks at tabtiha and sees how sad she is. "Hey im only going to be on the other side of town so its not far for you to come and visit us. I'm sure bruce wont mind" Selina says. Tabtiha nods with a small smile. "Its going to be weird without you here. Ambers moving out in a few months so its just going to be me and Barbara again" Tabitha chuckles. "Well you never know you might find someone. Barbara too" selina says. Tabitha laughs. "I think i wold more likely have a boyfriend than Babs" Tabitha says. Selina chuckles. They stop laughing and stand in silence. Tabitha wraps her arms around Selina and hugs her. "Im going to miss you" she says. "Im going to miss you to" Selina says. "Dont turn into an billionare brat" Tabitha says. Selina chuckles. "I wont. i'll always be a street kid. No matter how my life changes" selina says. Tabtiha nods. They break away and smile at each other. "Lets get that last box packed and then we'll move the boxes to the sitting room os that the boys dont have to walk as far" Tabtiha says. Selina nods before grabbing the boxes and moving them.

She was excited to start a new life and even though it might not be what it used to be and it was sad that it wasnt she was happy that she was going to start something new with the person she loves.

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