Chapter 31

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The finale of the first part of Billionaire and Streetkid. New section starting on the 28th of July.
Bruce sits in class with tears in his eyes. He had betrayed Selina in not telling her what was going on. He trusted her with his life but he couldn't put hers in jeopardy over Jeremiah.
He was sitting in his maths. Selina hadn't turned up to class yet and he was starting to get worried. Vanessa and Jacob walk into the class.
"Hey where's Selina" Vanessa asks.
"We got into a fight. I don't know where she went" he says.
"What happened you two never fight" Jacob says as he sits down next to Vanessa.
"I didn't tell her about Jeremiah" he says.
"Bruce she's your girlfriend you should have told her" Vanessa says.
"Nessa I didn't want to put her life at risk. If Jeremiah found out about her. He would go after her to get back at me. I'm not going to risk her life" he says. They both give him a sympathetic look.
"Good morning class. I know today is your last day so today you can just do whatever you want" the teacher says. Everyone starts to cheer. The teacher starts to scan the classroom.
"Has anyone seen Selina Kyle" she asks. Everyone shakes their head.
"Bruce have you seen her" she asks.
"We talked this morning but I haven't seen her since" he says.
"Ok I will send an email" she says.
"Ok get on with the class" she says and everyone starts to talk.

Selina sits in the bathroom crying. She had trusted Bruce and he didn't tell her something so big. She thought he loved her. She sits in the bathroom for half an hour when she hears a gun shot.

Everyone heads turn when they hear a shot. Everyone is confused for a second before they hear another one.
"Everyone push the tables against the doors and grabs a chair and put them on top" the teacher says.
"What about Selina she's out there" Bruce says to Vanessa.
"Bruce I don't know" she says. Bruce runs out of the classroom.
"Bruce" Vanessa shouts.
"Mrs we have to get him" Jacob says.
"We can't do anything now. Everyone get the tables and chairs and get in the corner and be quiet" the teacher says. Everyone gets in the corner and Jacobs holds Vanessa as she cries.
"He's going to be ok" he whispers to her.

Bruce runs down the hallways trying to find Selina. He hears more gunshots but he needs to find her. He passes the girls bathroom and he runs in.
"Selina" he says.
"Bruce" he hears her says. She opens The cubical and she runs out and hugs him.
"It's ok" he says.
"Is it Bruce because I'm here" they hear a voice say. They turn and see Jeremiah.
"Bruce it's nice to see your little girlfriend here. Nice to finally meet you" he says with his crazy smile.
"But it's just to sweet you two together so one of you has gotta go so I think it should be her" he says before holding up a gun. Bruce grabs Selina and Jeremiah shoots. They fall on the ground. Bruce was on top of Selina. Selina felt no pain but then she sees Bruce's face.
"B" she says. She gets him on his back and she sees blood seeping through his clothes.
"No B. You stay with me" she cries.
"Ahh young love it's just so disgusting. Now that I have shot him and not you. I'm going to have to shoot you no..." he says before she hears a gunshot. Jeremiah falls to the floor and blood pouring onto the floor. She looks up and sees Jim holding a gun. She turns her attention back to Bruce.
"B keep your eyes open you hear me" she says. She sees Jim kneel next to her.
"We need an ambulance in the girls bathroom stat" he says into a wakietalkie. She sees Jim take off his jacket and put it on Bruce's gunshot wound.
"B you stay awake you here me" Selina says as she holds his hand.
"Selina..."he stutters.
"I love you to" she cries.
"I'm sorry" he says.
"B don't be I love you" she says.
"Come on Bruce" Jim says as he holds the jacket down on his wound. Bruce stops talking.
"B" Selina says as she shakes him.
"B" she cries. The paramedics come in.
"B no stay with me" she cries. Jim grabs her as she sobs.
"No let go of me Bruce" she screams as he drags her out.

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