One & The Same, Never To Change

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Demi was still in the bathroom with Selena taking photos together when suddenly Demi got a text. Selena jumped excitedly and said "oh, I hope that's my phone" while searching her handbag. She slowly lifted her head up to face Demi with an 'I'm-going-to-kill-you-face'. Demi tried to keep her laughter in but she couldn't so she just started cracking up laughing and Sel did the same. Demi took out her phone, still laughing, but her face turned dead serious when she read the text. Selena was worried now "who is it" she asked. Demi gave her a look and Selena bit her lip. "Oh my God" she said knowing who the text was from. Demi dumped her phone in her bag, "why the hell would he even text me now? It's been three years...” Selena exclaimed. Suddenly the thought of the mall incident flooded Demi's mind. "Um, Sel...... I saw Joe today, do you recon that's why he's texting me?" a hint of scared-ness in her voice. Selena and Demi were nearly at the food court when Demi spotted him; Joe had a smile on his face while Demi's was completely blank. She turned back to Selena. "Probably.... Most likely..... Yeah" Selena said, trying not to make Demi upset. They were now three meters away from Joe unintentionally [Selena didn't know he was there] when Demi stopped Selena. "Hey Sel, is that offer for a date still open for next week?" she said with a smart-ass attitude trying to make sure Joe heard her. "Demi, yes yes YES of course it's still open!!!!" Selena squealed "who do you want to bring as your date?” "Well...” Joe heard Demi's voice and looked through the glass walls of his favourite restaurant. It was Demi's and his favourite restaurant but now, he just called it his - he wasn't sure about Demi anymore. He focused on the girls and tried to concentrate on what they were saying.

"Well... The guy that I have a LITTLE crush on is Sterling." said Demi blushing a little. "Sterling, as in KNIGHT?" asked Selena. "Yes" Demi said feeling a little ashamed. "O.m.g he is so friggen cute, and I hear he's available" Selena winked while nudging her at her side. Demi blushed, she was embarrassed. "Hey Demi, can I please borrow your phone? I need to call David because SOMEONE hid mine" Selena asked, laughing trying to make her feel guilty, it worked. "Fine" Demi said giggling handing it over to her.

Selena took the iPhone from Demi and pointed to the smoothie place while dialling a number. Demi jumped and said to Sel, "okay I'll be right back". Selena grinned, this was her perfect opportunity, she called up Sterling and told him to come to lunch on a double date with her and David. Sterling was David's best friend so it was only natural he'd say yes. Through the phone, he then asked "um, why did you invite me?” "Cause Demi has a crush on you, and I know you like her from all the numerous times you've told me.” "Okay I'll be there in 5". "That’s what I thought" Selena said with a smirk then hanging up. Selena then dialled David and after a 5 minute long conversation, he was going to be arriving with Sterling. From the corner of her eye she saw Demi coming back drinking her smoothie. Once Demi reached Sel, Sel quickly asked "banana and strawberry?” "Yea" Demi sighed. Selena grabbed Demi's shoulders and quickly pulled her into a hug. Demi felt her eyes water and forgetting Joe was there she said [and very loudly] "you know what! I don't need him, he broke my heart three years ago and he thinks he can just come back and text me whenever he likes. No, THAT'S. NOT. COOL." she just had to vent. Selena was shocked; she'd never seen Demi like this. Ever.

Anyway they sat down at the fountain just outside the restaurant waiting for David and sterling, but Demi didn't need to know about the Sterling part. A few minutes later, David and Sterling walked through the doors but neither of the girls noticed them until David snuck up behind Selena and covered her eyes with both hands, she jumped while laughing. David moved his way around Selena so they were facing each other but with his hands still over her eyes. "Who is this" Selena asked excitedly. "Does this answer your question?" at that very moment, David leaned in and kissed Selena on the lips for a few seconds. David took his hands away and looked straight into Selena's eyes lovingly while she replied "maybe...” looking at his eyes with complete love. Meanwhile while Demi was adoring them together, Sterling walked up being Demi and tapped her shoulder. She turned around to see his face, and not even thinking she went for a hug with pure excitement flooding her whole body.

Joe looked though the glass window and saw the hug, jealousy flooding his body, he felt mad. He looked down at his smoothie and the memory of their first kiss was all that he could think about...

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