falling in love...

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"Well" Joe said flirting a little "do you want there to be?" "I don't know" she replied sighing. Joe had a puzzled look on his face. "What do you mean you don't know?" he asked calmly. "Well" she started "I don't want my friends to be worried about me and Selena even told Sterling that I liked him so that was annoying... I just don't know what to do anymore." Joe looked at her with sympathy. "Demi, if you're not ready to start something again, that's okay with me. I only want the best for you and if I'm not the best, then I don't want to force you into anything you don't want to be in. I care about you too much for that to happen." Demi looked up at him with those eyes that made him melt inside. He pulled her into a hug as tears started to spill from her beautiful, bright eyes. Even when she was soaking wet, her eyes still glistened in the moonlight. "Demi, trust me, everything will work out fine. I'll always be here for you." Still in the hug she looked up at him "take me home" she gently said, she suddenly felt extremely tired. Joe nodded and picked her up. He held her in his arms marriage-style; she buried her head into his chest still lightly crying. She wasn't thinking about things with Joe but what happened before treatment, lately she couldn't get it out of her head. It was toturing her. It was still pouring with rain so she was shivering. He put her down, took his jacket off and put it around her and quickly picked her back up. She buried herself in his warmth once again and quickly drifted asleep in his arms. He didn't want to take Demi back to her house if he knew Selena was there and he also didn't want to wake her up either so he took her back to his place. Joe finally bought his own house just in time for the summer. It was quite large and the best part was that he didn't live with anybody and it was only 10 minutes away from the beach and 5 minutes [walking distance] from Demi's house.

Opening the door, he walked into his house and walked upstairs. Since he just recently moved into his house, not everything was unpacked yet. He only unpacked the kitchen, his bedroom, lounge area and music room. Joe had a double bed so he gently placed Demi on his bed and got a towel from the bathroom and tried as best as he could to dry her without waking her up. Starting with her hair and her arms, moving to her stomach and then her legs and feet. He tucked her into the sheets and got a quilt out of the cupboard seeing that she was still cold from the rain. He sat on the end of his bed, praying to God that one day, just one day she would be his. His forever. He sighed and gave in because he was tired too, he got into bed with Demi. He slipped under the covers and he gently stroked her cheek. He heard some words "Joe?" "yes Demi?" he replied. "I'm cold" she said softly. "I know, do you want me to get you another blanket?" "no" she replied "hold me, i'm scared" she finally got out, trembling. "What are you scared of?" he asked a little puzzled. "falling in love..." she shut her eyes tightly and turned to face Joe. She started shaking and she took Joe's hand holding it extremely tight. He saw that look on her face, in her eyes, it was familiar. There was something wrong and he needed to know what it was. Joe pulled Demi close into his chest and she slept next to him for the rest of the night.

She felt comfort and protection from the second she woke up and found Joe's arm around her body and him physically ten inches away from her skin. She looked up at him and all she knew was that the guy lying before her was the guy of her dreams, and he slept with the biggest smile on his face.

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