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*Warning: Explicit Content*
Bey's POV

The look on Jay's face was priceless. He was looking at me like I was a ghost. I could tell he was highly embarrassed by our previous interactions, which he should have been. That is why people must be careful how they talk to one another. In this case, it may be your professor, and you didn't even know it.

"I want you all to know that our shared space is a judgment-free zone. Like I said, this is U.S. Government, and we will be discussing some controversial topics that may cause tensions to flare due to different opinions. No one will put anyone down in this class, or you will be dismissed. We are all adults in this room, so you can curse if it is in your vocabulary. Just please don't be calling people out of their name! I am held to the same standards as you.

Be bold and speak your mind. Your voice means everything to me, your parents, and your community. I will challenge you mentally in this course. I want you to think more profoundly than the surface. By the time the semester ends, you can converse intelligently with a fellow citizen or politician about our government. I promise that I will make it enjoyable, and you will get an A if you follow what I mentioned. Do you have any questions? The class fell silent, and everyone just stared at me.

"Really? Not even questions about me? Okay then, let's move right along!" After I said that, heads immediately perched up, and hands were raised. I knew that would get them to participate. Every year, students wanted to be Nosey Nancy about my life. I didn't mind it, though. If you open up to your students, you build comfort and trust. They're more likely to be active and succeed in your class.

"Kiara, right?" I pointed to the young lady in the back, her hands raised, remembering our conversation before class.

"Yes! Can I say you have some nice legs? You play sports or something?" The class chuckled at her compliment.

"Thank you! No, I never played sports, but I was a dancer," I answered truthfully.

"What kind of dancer?" She followed up.

"I used to dance in music videos!" I said, with one hand on my hip and the other leaning against the desk.

"So you're like a video vixen?" Another young lady by the name of Anaya yelled.

"Hell no! I made sure I was fully clothed and did full-out dance choreo, not just that twerking shit you all usually see. I have standards," I laughed.

"Okurrrrrt!" Anaya responded. The class laughed.

"How old are you?" Astro asked after I pointed to his hand that was raised.

"33. I'll be 34 in September!" All of my student's mouths were on the floor. They couldn't believe my age.

"Wow, no disrespect, but you look good for your age!" Astro finally replied.

"I'm not supposed to look crusty at 34 Astro. Thank you!"

"Are you married?" A familiar voice said out of the blue. The entire room fell into silence as Jay looked at me in curiosity.

"Divorced, actually," I took a big gulp, unsure where this conversation would end.

"What happened?" He perked up from his seat.

"Alright, bro, that's enough!" Kaleef nervously tapped him on the arm.

"No, no, it's fine. I don't mind. Well.... Infidelity! He broke his vows several times." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Professor Knowles," he said sincerely.

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