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*Warning: Explicit content*
Jay's POV

"Jaaaay....." Bey cries out in anguish. I was completely enraged and charged towards her like a bull.

"JAY! Jay, please wake up!" I hear Bey scream in panic. She jumped on my lap, gripping my shoulders and shaking me until I reacted.

"Ahhh!" I yelled in shock. I opened my eyes and realized that I had fallen asleep, and my dream was not of reality.

"Jay, what's wrong? You're scaring me." Bey questioned while tilting her head. She was examining me like a doctor.

"Shit, Im good. I just had a bad dream, babe. How long was I asleep?" I asked, rubbing her lower back.

"It's been about an hour and a half. You asked me to cuddle with you, and then shortly after the movie began, you fell asleep. You were sleeping so peacefully at first, but then you started breathing rapidly as if you weren't getting enough oxygen. What the hell happened in this dream that had you so bound?" Bey wondered in curiosity.

For a few seconds, I was conflicted. I didn't want to tell her what happened because I was unsure how she would react to such an extreme dream. On the other hand, I tried to tell her and make this an opportunity for transparency. I quickly chose to tell her the blatant truth.

"I— I snapped at you. I yanked you down the stairs and began to punch you..." I looked her in the eyes in shame.

"What? Why?" Bey replied. She scrunched her mouth up at me in confusion.

"I turned into my own fucked up Father. I hit you because you rejected me while I was trying to force you into having sex." I stated. My eyes disconnected from hers as I turned to look away into the distance at the wall.

"Hmm... First, let us get one thing straight: You will NEVER be your father. You are already a better man at 19 than he will ever be in life. You hear me?" Bey declares while lifting my chin with her hand so we can see eye to eye.

"Yeah..." I nodded my head in agreement.

"Secondly, this must have been in your subconscious. This happens to me sometimes, and it is usually because I'm too afraid to do or say something. Do you need to tell me anything, Jay?" Bey suspects.

"I wanna be honest with you, Bey... I came over here because I was frustrated about everything that happened with the game, but I thought that if we do umm— something, then I could snap out of it." I sighed.

"What is it that you want to do, Jay?" Bey questions. She slightly rolls her eyes. She knows the answer but would rather hear it come from my mouth.

"I want us to have sex." I blurted out.

"Oh..." Bey shrugs like it is no big deal. I was slightly irritated with her response. She always does this when I bring sex up.

"That's all you can say?" I questioned her.

"What do you want me to say?" Bey replies.

"Look, Bey, I feel like I'm losing control around you. These hormones are getting much harder to handle. My mind is telling me that I can't wait around anymore. Maybe I should wait because you are such a special woman, but I don't know. All I know is that I love you and don't want to lose you." I grab Bey by the waist to give her a tight hug. She embraces me and then pulls away.

"Jay, I appreciate you being so open with me now. I know it has been a rough day for you, and I am here for you. We all have those days when we are emotional; sometimes, we think distortedly or act out of impulse because of it.

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