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Bey's POV

I gradually opened my eyes, scanning my bedroom to see if Jay was with me. I was all alone. I turned to my window to peek out at the glowing street lights. I pulled the covers down and sat up on the edge of the bed. Once I looked up at the clock on my night table, I began to panic. It was 8 pm. I was asleep for nearly eight hours. I had so much to do today, such as finishing up the student packets for the Washington, DC trip to send to my boss AND editing the final unit test before Tuesday.

I also noticed that my luggage needed to be unpacked, forcing me to summate that to my to-do list. Knowing it would be a long night, I rubbed my temples in frustration. I genuinely wish Jay would have woke me up.

I finally stood up to slip on my satin robe and slippers and headed downstairs. As I made my way to the first floor, I could smell a delightful aroma from the kitchen. I turned the corner to see Jay cooking and smiled in pleasure. I was very shocked! He noticed me standing there watching him take the French bread out of the oven and set it on the stove. He smiled while putting the oven mitts down and walked towards me.

"Good evening, beautiful! You hungry?" Jay asked as he towered over me to peck my lips.

"I am! You cooked me dinner, babe? This is impressive." I expressed, kissing him again.

"I got bored watching you sleep, and I was hungry. I thought about ordering takeout, but I was like, Nah. I'll mix it up and cook a lil' something something." Jay shrugged dorkishly.

"That's so sweet, Jay! Sorry, I was asleep for so long," I sighed. "What did you make?" I ask him while walking over to the stovetop to snoop in the pot of food.

"Spaghetti and meatballs!" Jay revealed.

"Sounds yummy! I'll go set the table..." I volunteered.

Jay and I ate his delicious meal at my dining room table. We talked about our families for most of the time and some other random things. I knew his birthday was coming up next week, and I was curious about what he had planned.

"So, what are you doing for your 20th birthday?" I questioned as I took a bite of my meatball.

"My teammates are throwing me this huge birthday party on campus," Jay replied.

"I don't know if the school would let that happen during finals week..." I reckoned.

"They will for ya, boy, Jay Carter!" He smirks. He's right; this school truly adores him.

"Mhmm.." I shake my head at him, smiling.

"You gon' come?" Jay asked.

"How would that look?" I responded.

"True..." He sighed, giving me a look of disenchantment. I knew he hated that no matter how much he tried to change the reality of our relationship, he couldn't.

"I'll make it up to you! I promise, babe." I reach across the table to grab his hand to cheer him up. He nodded.

Jay was kind enough to stay and help me unpack my luggage and clean up, which I greatly appreciated. After he left, I got right to work. I was up until five in the morning typing on my Mac computer. It wasn't hard to stay up because of my long nap, but I was exhausted because I still had much more to do. Since I needed to leave the house by eight, I took a two-hour nap before getting ready for work.

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