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Jay's POV

"Thank you for the roses. They are so beautiful!" She beamed through the phone.

"You're welcome! I'm happy to know you liked them," I smiled wide.

"How much did that cost you?" Bey asked.

"I'm not telling you that..." I replied.

"Don't be difficult, I just wanna know!" Bey persisted.

"I get money from endorsements. I'm living well. I don't mind spending money on a beautiful black queen!" I gave her a half-assed answer.

"That's sweet of you, but you don't need to buy me anything." She responds. Why was she so hell-bent on how I wanted to spend my money?

"I don't need to, but I WANT to! By the way, is it okay to call you Bey?" I asked her for permission. I was so sick of calling her Professor Knowles. We need to be more personable. So, I want to start calling her by her nickname.

"You can call me Bey when it's just us, okay?" She permitted. I could understand that.

"Okay! So what did you do for your birthday?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I had a birthday dinner with some friendsnothing too crazy!" She said casually.

"What did you wear?" I smirked to myself.

"Um, a nice dress..." She said in a why-are-you-asking-me-that tone.

"You still have it on? I wanna see how you be dressing outside of campus!" Bey looks good in anything she wears, but I fantasize about her in other clothing,

"Boy, bye!" I could hear Bey smack her lips together.

"For real, Bey, send me a picture! I'll send you one." I offered.

"I took it off already, but I'll send something. Don't send me anything nasty, please!" She pleaded.

"You got your head in the gutter!" I chuckled.

"Stop it, Jay, before I change my mind..." She chuckled back.

We continued our conversation while the two of us were sending our photos to one another. Bey sent her photo first. I got the ding from my iPhone to inform me that the picture was delivered. I quickly opened the message, and my lord, I wasn't ready...

 I quickly opened the message, and my lord, I wasn't ready

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Professor Knowles {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now