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August 29, 2020
Jay's POV
Two years later...

A few months after being drafted to the Miami Dolphins, I created the Carter Foundation to help fight poverty in the black community. We've raised nearly four million dollars so far through several events nationwide. Today is the Back to School fundraiser and autograph signing at Southern University. For every jersey bought, the proceeds will go directly towards underprivileged families in Baton Rouge.

You would think I wouldn't have any complaints, but the saying, "Money doesn't buy happiness," is legitimate and valid. Don't get me wrong, I've had much success. In my rookie year, I made history as the youngest wide receiver with over 1,300 yards in their first season. I bought my first home at the age of 21. I got my mother out of the hood into a beautiful home in Florida close to mine. I take care of my guys Ty, Shawn, and Kaleef too. They are a part of my business team, attending meetings and traveling alongside me. Shortly after I made it to the NFL, Marcus got locked up for attempted murder. I call him every week, and I send money to his baby's moms to make sure his kids are straight. I'm truly blessed to be able to live my dreams, give back to the community, and provide for the people I love most. However, I am just not happy.

My relationship with Danay was beautiful in the beginning. She was there when everything in my life was changing. She was there when I got drafted, signed my rookie contract, bought my first home, and much more. Our love grew to the point where I even proposed to her in January of this year. After that, things quickly began to change. There was another side to her that I never knew existed.

Danay had been stealing money from me. One day, out of concern, my accountant gave me bank statements that showed 10,000 dollar withdrawals unaccounted for, and then 20,000 and 30,000 dollars were gone. I confronted her about it. She was more sorry she got caught than for the act and confessed that she never truly loved me. I immediately took legal action against her, and now she's currently serving a one-year sentence in jail.

My car escort pulled into the Student Center at Southern. I smiled while looking out of the tinted windows. The parking lot was packed, and the line was wrapped around the entire building. Of course, the local media were there with their cameras rolling. Once the car came to a stop, my security guard opened the door to let me out. People screamed my name, which was usual when I was out in public.

As I made my way through the building, memories were flooding me. I remember when I and the guys would be plotting on chicks in here. I remember when I first saw Bey. Once I made it into the gym, the president of the university was there to greet me, along with the cheerleaders, football team, and faculty.

"Welcome back, son! We're so happy to host this wonderful event!" The president, Dr. Belton, shook my hand.

"Thank you, Sir! I'm happy to be back," I smiled.

I spotted Shawn, Ty, and Kaleef over at the signing table. They flew in earlier to make sure everything was organized correctly. With security right by, I walked through the crowd towards the table. On my way there, I spotted familiar faces... It was Professor Monty, Tamara, and Cecil standing in my pathway. I immediately rolled my eyes. I didn't think they would be here.

Once I entered their space, they exchanged looks, smiled, and waved. They dared to speak to me. I coldly disregarded their attempt to be fake in my face. I looked at them as if they were trash because they were and walked right by.

"Fix your face!" Ty chuckled as I sat down in my seat.

"Whatever!" I chuckled back.

The entire time I was signing jerseys, I was so distracted. My body was there physically, but my mind was somewhere else. A small part of me wondered if Bey was here. It made me so paranoid that my eyes roamed to see if I could see her face. Even if I got a glimpse of her, I would be content, but honestly, why would she even want to be here after what I did?

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