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Bey's POV

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Professor Knowwwwwwles. Happy Birthday to youuuuu!" The class sang in unison.

"Awww! Thank you guys. I appreciate it!" I held my hand to my heart as a sign of endearment.

"How old are you now, Professor Knowles?" My student, Deja, asked.

"Thirty-four!" I replied, giving them a twirl.

"Ooop! You better be showing off tonight." Another student, Zalaya, hyped me up.

"Maybe." I smiled. "Okay, so today we will go over the last bit of chapters four and five," I announced, jumping right into my lecture for the day.

I was delighted with the class participation. They were rowdy initially since we were talking about the different political parties. A few students disagreed about Trump, but they were able to come to a commonplace.

Jay was on his best behavior, which was surprising to me. I saw him writing notes, highlighting, and everything. He paid his friends no attention. A part of me wanted to believe that he was being this way only because it was my birthday.

"Any questions?" I asked my class as I began to wrap up our time together. No one raised their hand.

"Okay! Pop Quiz next Tuesday! Enjoy the rest of your week!" I smirked. The class was caught off guard, huffing and puffing on their way out the door. They really should be grateful that I gave them a heads-up.

"Oh, so you're a savage on your birthday, huh?" Jay comes strolling up to my desk after all the other students are gone with a walk full of swag.

"Not quite!" I chuckled and shook my head in dissent.

Since only the two of us were in the room, I discussed what happened the other day.

"So about the incident a few days ago... I wanted to apologize to you. None of that should have happened in front of you. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me, either. I hope you don't look at me differently because of it." I lowered my head in shame.

"You don't have to apologize to me. I should be the one apologizing. It was a crazy situation you were in. The man just made things worse! I jokingly brought up you having a side piece, but I didn't know the nigga was going to show up right after!" The two of us both started laughing uncontrollably.

"That was such a big coincidence. Don't think I forgot about the pinky promise either!" I continued laughing, giving him a peppy side-eye.

"Whatever!" Jay rolled his eyes playfully.

"Promise me now!" I leaned over the pulpit with my pinky finger out. Jay smirked and brought his pinky finger to mine.

"I gotcha!" Our pinkies clasp to one another. We looked at each other boldly in the eyes. I could tell he was getting lost in mine. I tried my best to avoid getting lost in his. Discerning I was getting lost, I quickly let go and looked away.

"I wanna show you something!" Jay hands me his opened binder full of class notes. They were all organized and highlighted as if he had been studying them. I looked up at Jay and saw him waiting for my reaction. I skimmed through to see that he took excellent notes today. I was genuinely impressed.

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