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*Warning: Explicit Content*
Jay's POV
December 3, 2020

I just finished playing in a Thursday night football game at home, and we lost again. I cannot wait until my Rookie contract is up so I can sign with another team. I'm trying to win a championship, and I know I can't do it with the Dolphins.

I packed up my things from the locker room and dragged my sore body to the tunnel. This is where my family meets me after every game. They always wear my jersey in support, and it makes me feel better when I see them with it on.

"Look at my baby! You did so good," My mom celebrated as I approached her. She could tell I wasn't in the greatest mood, so she hugged and kissed me like any Mother would.

"I wish I could have won for y'all!" I groaned.

"You had a monster game, bro! You're not the reason this team sucks!" My little brother, Justin, expressed. I chuckled and dapped him up. He was so right!

"Daddy!" I turned to the right and saw Bryce running towards me from the bathroom. Bey was trailing behind him.

"Hey, big boy!" I yelled in excitement as Bryce ran right into my arms.

"He was screaming and hollering every time you touched the ball!" Bey revealed while shaking her head. With Bryce on my hip, I hugged and politely kissed Bey on the cheek.

"You were cheering for Da-Da?" I asked Bryce, tickling him a little. He burst into laughter.

"Huh, little man?" Once he nodded, I stopped playing with him and put him down.

"Y'all had enough to eat?" I questioned my family. They always have suite passes, and the food is catered.

"We had plenty of food. It was delicious!" My mom ensured.

"Oh, that's good! Bey, we have to head out! My jet is waiting at the airport. Did Ty come by the house to get our luggage?" I spoke to Bey.

"Yeah, right before we left to come here!" She confirmed.

"Okay, son, we'll let y'all go! Y'all have a safe trip. We love you! It was so good seeing you again, Bey!" Mom winked at her. Bey chuckled and hugged her. Everyone said goodbye to each other as we went our separate ways.


When I went back home to Florida, I returned a renewed man. I wasn't the same Jay, and it showed. My determination to be the best me was at an all-time high, and I credit that to my son. He's made me grind harder and think bigger in life. Because of this, my career in the NFL is even more successful —excluding the team losses. The happiness I strived for is much more constant than in the past.

I unashamedly confessed to my family and team about Bey and me. Of course, Ty, Shawn, and Kaleef knew about our relationship, but they were stunned to find out we had a child together. My siblings found it gross at first. My mom was not as shocked as everyone else was. I call it a mother's intuition. She revealed to me that she surmised something was going on by the way I would talk about Bey, but she didn't know the extent of what we became until recently.

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