°Chapter One°

197 15 17

°Let me tell you 'bout the way she looked
The way she acts and the colour of her hair
Her voice was soft and cool - Her eyes were
clear and bright - But she's not there°


Valentines Day...

"As if he seriously brought her a bracelet though" - Kyle laughs in total disbelief - "like why did nobody stop him?" Every single time he gets the smallest glimpse of the box...he feels jealous. Mainly because the gift is absurdly expensive for someone Dan has just met.

The most amount of money that Kyle has ever spent for a date was barely twenty quid. The gift itself was actually a dinner at Wetherspoon's. To make matters worse, other than eating in a cheap pub with low standards, the girl never texted him back. Somehow...Kyle was surprised, he thought it was a pleasant date to say the very least. It became a bad date for him when the lads told him that Wetherspoon's isn't exactly the most sentimental place on Earth.

Since then he takes his girlfriend to more fancier places, although she'll opt for a Wetherspoon any day of the week. It's better than waiting for the oven to warm up.

Chris throws back his shoulders, answering Kyle's question, and continues to eat his baguette. Despite his wife being a nutritionist, he likes plain food. This lunchtime he went for a plain baguette, with only butter and fresh ham. It's provided by the venue. Although, what he really desires is a bucket box from the KFC next door.

The rest of the crew members exchange concerned looks for their friend. Just like Kyle, they wonder why they didn't stop Dan. He barely knows the girl that he is dating.

It's no secret that they all desperately want Dan to stop dating this mysterious girl. It all started over Kyle saying he found it strange when he googled her nothing of any significance comes up. Of course, they have their own personal reasons as to why Dan should call it off...it's just that none of those reasons seem to be valid. So at this point they're all just suspicions.

They've tried telling Dan...but it goes in one ear out the other with him. All Dan says on the subject that he is finally happy, that he doesn't want anyone interfering with his personal life. Of which is understandable.

Dan in silence sits on the floor in the middle of the room. He only does this just so he can have more space. He isn't the best at wrapping up presents, so he's eager to get this one perfect.

The valentines gift is a beautiful silver charm bracelet from Pandora. Dan knows that the girl he fancies like mad likes collecting things. He also knows that she appreciates the prettier things in life, so Dan thought a charm bracelet would be perfect for her. Especially considering that her other bracelet broke last week.

Dan ignores the others bickering about his gift choice. He doesn't care how much he spends on his date, he feels like she might finally be 'the one'. He's never felt this confident and in love before.

"Oi!" Kyle shouts from across the room trying to get Dan's attention. But there's no reply or reaction on Dan's behalf. As he's currently concentrating on lining up the wrapping paper so that it looks equal on all sides and somewhat professional.

"Oi!" He shouts again. This time he sits up from slouching backwards on the sofa.

Kyle, who is fed up of waiting, then dives his hand into his black pocket and pulls out a blue square plastic wrapper. Multiple men in the room groan at the sight of it while Kyle and Will both immaturely smile.

She's Not There °Dan Smith°Where stories live. Discover now