°Chapter Seven°

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All rehearsal Dan couldn't stop thinking about Valentina.

The others saw how it was affecting Bastille, but no one wanted to say anything. They know Dan needs time to process his heartache, especially if he was the one who got dumped.

Dan, who is usually alright doing higher notes, failed completely at them today. His voice remained flat and completely unenthusiastic. It's not like Dan wasn't aware of how bad he sounds either...because he did. That made him hate himself even more, like nothing he does is right.

"We've been thinking..." - Beau's soothing voice trails off while he looks at Dan - "we don't particularly want to play World Gone Mad, One Evil or...4am." Dan doesn't do or say anything, in fact the thirty something feels relieved.

"I want to sing more songs from Bad Blood tonight." Strangely, that's not the worse suggestion Dan has ever said.

"I'll get Dick and we'll see whether we can do that." Dan nods his head while Beau sighs. He hates seeing Dan this way, not just because he's his mate, but because it's a part of his job to make sure Dan is happy.

"Cheers." Dan whispers before he pushes himself past Beau and runs up the stairs. He needs to clear his head before the doors open up, which is in an hour or so. Although the venue is intimate, he sits on one of the balcony seats, completely alone. It's only because the staff have already cleaned things up.

While watching the lighting and sound engineers do their thing with the stage set up, Dan pulls out his phone from his pocket. Without hesitation he tries calling Valentina up again. This will be the seventh time he has tried calling today...low and behold there is no answer.

Dan doesn't end the call, instead he waits for her answer machine to come on. He waits while the automatic service tells him to press various numbers. "Please leave your message after the beep..." it's voice trails off while Dan tilts his head backwards, staring up at the fancy ceiling.

- Beep -

"Hey...Valentina..." Dan closes his eyes for a few seconds.

"I know I was a bit of a dick to you last night, and I just want to say that I'm sorry. It's only because want the best for us, you know? I should've trusted you..." Dan whispers. He's only paranoid someone is hiding up here and listening in on how he is such a bad boyfriend.

"I understand that your angry...but I really miss you. Last night was fucking wicked until I ruined it...and I know I shouldn't be talking about me. But you honestly did nothing at all, and I want you to know that. I'm just a cautious guy, but I love the chemistry and shit that we had. Last night was my bad and I'm sorry I made you feel that way. Yeah...I'm sorry in general about things and-" Dan gets cut off quickly by the beeps.

"Shit the time is going but I really am sorry and I love you. Oh god I didn't...mean...shit. I um...I'm sorry about everything, love you, bye." Dan's eyes widen as the call ends and it automatically gets sent off.

"Love you, bye?" Dan leans forwards and slams his forehead on the back of the seat.

"Why the fuck did I fucking say that?" He feels sick and uneasy. He knows that he made a mess of their relationship, but he doesn't realise that he was actually in the right and Valentina was in the wrong.

It was her fault by not answering the question...but Dan loves her too much to put the blame on himself. It's easier that way then somehow confronting her.

For a few more moments Dan sits in absolute silence. He stares into the dark nothingness of the back of the chair. He tries not to think about anything in particular, but that's hard. Especially when he's longing for a phone call back.

But what he doesn't know is that Valentina is miles away from her phone...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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