°Chapter Six°

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"What do you mean?" Dan throws back his shoulders looking completely mystified.

"When I got out of the toilet...I realised that she's not there. Like...she left without a word." Kyle scratches his head while Dan tightly clasps his coffee mug.

Dan looks around in paranoia, like he's on edge. He just wants to know if she's okay.

"Did you by any chance smoke anything...let's say dodgy?" Kyle's mind links paranoia up with weed. Everything in his mind is about weed, although he hasn't done any since before Christmas.

"What?" Dan laughs in total disbelief, leaning backwards on his seat.

Both of the men are in their local Costa, although they haven't been in here until now. The only reason was because it was pouring down and Kyle saw Dan needed to talk about something. They hardly have of these conversations anymore...so Kyle jumped while he had the chance.

"Like...did you roll yourself a-" Dan cuts Kyle off by shaking his head almost straight away. Kyle then looks away in disappointment, that makes Dan crack a smile though.

"What if I called the local tooth fairy up and I got us some. It's only to help bare with the heartache and to help get us through the dark ages..." Dan looks at Kyle unimpressed, but Kyle on the other hand thinks that is a generous and sweet offer. He even smiles looking overly proud...but Dan is having none of it.

"First of all Kyle...it's weed dealer, okay? Second of all...why are you suffering heartache?" Kyle shrugs his shoulders back.

"Because I feel your pain. You have heartache...I have heartache." Admittedly Kyle's presence does cheer him up, but Dan will never admit that.

"He doesn't like to be called weed dealer."

Dan nervously laughs while Kyle remains looking serious. Dan doesn't question anything in South London, it is what it is.

"I really don't need that shit at the moment. My head needs to be clear for when she calls..." Kyle cringes, although it becomes obvious when Dan looks at Kyle's face. His teeth seems to be clenched together too.

"If she calls..." Dan's voice trails off as he corrects himself.

Kyle, who does feel sorry for his mate, puts down his hot chocolate and then puts a hand supportively against Dan's back. "I didn't mean to scare her off. I was just worried that she wasn't taking any birth control. Like...am I not meant to worry about that shit? I've never done that before." Kyle throws his eyes back. Between Dan and Kyle...it's true Kyle is the more experienced one.

"Pulling out didn't work?" He cracks a smile remembering about the time he panicked.

"No Kyle. It didn't clearly fucking work." Dan says sarcastically. Kyle on the other hand shrugs, he knows that there can be severity, and consequences, but they're probably isn't any.

"I advise you to leave her alone. I know you're going to hate this, but you need to get that..." - Kyle points to Dan's lower regions - "checked out." Dan nods his head in agreement, although he stills believes her.

"Yeah but I didn't pull out. I couldn't. I got so caught up in the moment and I forgot..." Dan makes his voice trail off before he stops talking.

"Then in nine months time...make sure to keep your phone on?" Dan's eyes widen for moment before Kyle leans over laughing. "Nah, mate. Think about your long list of ex lovers, how many times did you two go at it without protection?" This is not the kind of reassurance Dan needs at this particular moment, but still he listens to Kyle.

"That's different. We wasn't strangers. I was comfortable around them and I knew that they was on all types of pills and shit. Never had to worry about anything...not like that." The only time Dan has had anything transmittable was the time when he had 'the kissing disease'. He got it from a girl at a club. At one point Dan felt like he was about to die, although he didn't help himself, he was too busy finishing their debut album.

"Look this is your first scare. Honestly like...even if she was" - Dan cringes in his seat - "you're a great guy who loves kids. Don't act like that, you know it's true." Dan shakes his head. He stares endlessly at his burgundy paper cup. It's better than looking at Kyle or anyone else.

"I'm more concerned as to why she ran away. She just disappeared into thin air, no text, no email, no note...what the fuck does that mean?" Kyle is happy. He's happy that Dan is not getting 'used', although he never wanted to be the one who figuratively have pick Dan up off of the floor.

"Dan. It means she obviously didn't enjoy it...which means you ain't a match. It's her loss, you're a great fucking guy."

Dan ignores Kyle's compliment. "I really though she was the one..." he admits feeling stupid.

"Your dream girl is out there right now...thinking about you too." With that Dan smiles thinking about what the future looks like for him.

"Thanks man." Dan smiles, Kyle on the other hand nods his head. He feels happy that he is giving Dan hope...even if it is false hope.

"We better drink up and get out of here. Rehearsals are at four, innit." Dan nods his head while biting his upper lip. He stares into nothingness while thinking about his time with Valentina.

Why would she do a runner?

She's Not There °Dan Smith°Where stories live. Discover now