Chapter Six

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Tristan and I finish cleaning out the upstair room, bringing down the boxes and placing in next to to the back door. Tristan quickly puts on his shoes . My mom looks at Tristan worried about him. Grabbing my shoes I quickly put them on.

"James? Tristan? Are you not staying for dinner?" She asks."

"No thank you, my parents are making food at home, but thanks for the offer." Tristan answers rushing out out the door.

"Yeah and I have a lot of things to do at the apartment." I reply following Tristan out of the house.

Before I could say bye to Tristan, he has already gotten in his car and left the house. As I get in my car, I start my engine and drive out of the driveway. While on the drive, I remembered that I had to go pick up milk at Walgreens.10 minutes I drive into the Deerfield Plaza. Getting out of the car I make my way towards Walgreens. As I'm walking, I could hear glass breaking and tables breaking at our local bar. Wondering what is going on, I head over to see what is happening.

As walk towards the bar I see someone get thrown out the window. I quickly rush into the bar entrance and see everyone throwing punches at one another. Looking through the chaos I see an Egyptian Warrior. Using his bow he knocks a guy out and kicks him towards a table. As I make my way towards I make my way towards the mysterious warrior, a guy tries to throw a right hook towards me. Luckily, I step back as the guy goes crashing into the table. I continue to make my way towards the Egyptian Warrior as begins punching a guy rapidly in the face. The guy's face then starts bleeding and his face begins getting swollen. He then, take an arrow out of his quiver and aims his bow straight towards his head. As he pulls his bow back I, clamp my hands together and close my eyes.

"Dearest Lord, I pray to you that no death comes to this that is about to be shot with an arrow. This man deserves justice, but not death. In Jesus name Amen." I say unclamping my hands.

Suddenly the Egyptian Warrior puts down his arrow and aims it at me. Pulling his bow back, he stares at dead in the eyes. 

"Yeah that's me. Now who are you?" I ask the Egyptian Warrior.

"Let's just say I'm a guy who likes to give back to the community, but in a different way." He answers with the bow still pulled back.

"You know the two of us are not so different . We help people in need even though some of the them don't deserve it." I tell him in hopes he would stand down. 

"If you think I'm a guy who looks for forgiveness, then you're talking to talking to the wrong person." The Egyptian Warrior answers.

Firing the arrow, I grab tray nearby to use as a shield. The arrow sticks to the tray as I'm relieved that the arrow didn't go through my heart. Taking the tray out the way, the Egyptian Warrior disappears out of the thin air. As I look around around the bar, everyone is laid out cold on the ground with only me left standing. Police sirens start going off, as I quickly run out of the bar not wanting to get blamed for the fight.  Police sirens start going off, as I quickly run out of the bar not wanting to get blamed for the fight. Entering the bar, they start jotting down notes . I quickly run out of the bar and into my car. I start my engine and immediately drive out of Deerfield Square.

 On the drive to apartment, I reflect back to the bar. I figure that was the same Egyptian Warrior in Tristan's dreams. 10 minutes into the drive, I remember the Myth legends program that Gabriel was telling Tristan and I last year. Finally arriving home, I sit on the couch and turn on the television. Apparently, there was breaking new involving the bar fight. Someone had filmed the whole fight on their phone

"I wonder what happened beforehand." I curiously say to myself.

Watching the TV screen, the footage shows the Egyptian Warrior threatening a drunken customer who seems to be on his hit list. Another customer tries to intervene, but the Egyptian Warrior elbows him in the face. The TV fast forwards to later in the night, where the Egyptian Warrior shoots an arrow at an attacker coming at him with a broken beer bottle injuring his left shoulder. I turn off the television as I reflect back on the face-off the Egyptian Warrior and I had back at the bar. I start wondering to myself if he was one of the Myth Legends Gabriel was talking about? When I laid eyes on the Egyptian Warrior it seemed he wanted to kill the man then let him receive justice. The look in the eyes in the Egyptian Warrior had darkness in his eyes and no soul.

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