Chapter Seventeen

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The following day, I opened up my laptop. Logging in to my computer, I had noticed I had gotten a facebook Messenger notification from Tristan. Opening the notification, I opened up the message as it read:

"Hey James sorry if I haven't been messaging you, it's just that I've been dealing with drama at work."

Shocked, I immediately replied back hoping to find out what had happened at the nursing home he works at.

"Hey Tristan, what happened at work. I hope you're okay?" I replied back as I had gotten a quick response.

"Well I had just gotten attacked by one of the residents at the nursing home" He replied back. As I could tell from his message he was very upset about it.

"Oh wow. I'm sorry that happened. Care to share the incident. I'm here for you if you want to talk about it." I replied as I waited for Tristan to respond.

"Well the resident had asked me to open a can of tuna and drain out the water. I had then done what the resident requested, but he threw a fit and I asked him to leave the kitchen politely. When he didn't leave, threw the can of tuna at my face and hit me on the back of the head!" Tristan exclaimed. " What angered me was the fact that my boss was notified and told me to waive it and not call the police.

 Even more shocked at this, I decided to look even more into this as he felt very upset. I would be upset too if this incident happened to me as well. Especially, if my boss was notified and told me to forget about the incident and waive it off like nothing happened.

"Technically it sounds like assault. Did you start to protest?" I had asked Tristan as he started typing his message.

"No I didn't. I was more afraid I was about to hit back, but good thing I kept my composure." He had answered back. "Well I gotta get going, my parents need my help with something. I'll see you at the Campaign Rally Saturday." And with that he had gone offline.

After our online conversation was over, I grabbed my bible and looked for a good verse to read in a situation like this. I turned to Proverb 14:29 which reads "Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly!"

Closing my eyes I reflected on how Tristan actually did well and controlled his anger as he didn't hit the resident back. My main concern now was if he can control his anger at my Campaign Rally Saturday as it will simultaneously be held the same day as Devin's Birthday Celebration. I heard a knock at the door and felt a little startled, as I cautiously began to walk toward it. Grabbing the door handle, I open the front door and see a note attached to the door with a dart stuck to it. It was a message from Nathan.

"The Clown has gone dark." The note read.

Thinking to myself, this could put my Campaign and relationship in jeopardy as I promised the kid his favorite clown. Wondering what happened to him, I could sense that this had to be Lionel's doing as he would try anything to sabotage me. I crumbled up the note and threw it in the Trash Can. Something then came to mind as I had remembered that Devin was a huge WWE fan. I grabbed my cell phone and put Mr. Paul Leveque on speed dial.

"Hello?" Paul answers as he I have him on speaker.

"Hi Mr. Leveque, this is James Wise. The reason I'm calling is because the clown I ordered had seemingly gone rogue and I was wondering....." I replied back, but before I could answer, he interrupted me.

"Say no more. I would be happy to send our WWE Superstars for a Meet and Greet!" He answered as I had a positive look on my face.

"Thank You. Mr. Leveque." I reply as I can hear papers shuffling in the background.

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