8 ~ Baby

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[There is a baby placed at Theo and Liam's front porch.]

[This one was requested by EricaMaca]

Liam had been drifting in and out of sleep for the past thirty minutes just trying to fall back to sleep. He was trying to match his breathing to his husband's soft, rhythmic breathing that suggested he was still sleeping peacefully. No nightmare in sight while they were asleep. Just as Liam was about to fall back to sleep he heard a loud knock on the door. He groaned, but didn't get up. What peaked his interest was when his super-werewolf hearing picked up a little wail. A baby? Liam sat up. Theo tried grabbing his arm to pull him back into a laying position.

"Theo, let go, I need to go get the door." Liam said, trying to pry Theo's finger's off his arm.

"Mmmmm." Theo groaned. He sat up and sleepily rubbed his eyes. "Why? It's cold when you're not here."

"I have to go get the door, that's why." Liam answered with a little bit of sass. There was another little high pitched crying scream. This woke Theo up.

"Was that a baby?" He asked.

"That's why I was going to go get the door." They both were up and out of the room at the door in five seconds flat. Theo opened the door, and they looked down at their feet, because on the doormat in front of them was small little infant child, no older than a few months old. He was wrapped in a little blue blanket in a cardboard box. There was a little envelope tucked in one of the folds of the blanket. There were two paper bags next to the baby. Liam bent down to pick up the child, while Theo went to grab the bags. They looked around to see if the person who had left the child and bags were still there. No one in sight.

They brought the child into the house and placed him on the couple's bed. Theo grabbed the envelope and opened it, reading the note inside, while Liam tried as hard as possible to calm the crying infant.

"What does it say?" Liam asked as the kid started to calm down.

"'I am not able to take care of this child. I wanted him to have a family that could care for them and I have a feeling the two of you would be great at taking care of the him. His name is Leo. His birthday is 9/28/18. Please take care of him. Treat him like your own child please. I hope he grows up with people who can love like I would never be able to. Not with what he is. I have given you some baby supplies to start off until you're able to get some yourself. Thank you.'" Theo read.

"We're keeping him." Liam said immediately.

"Liam, we've talked about it before. We aren't ready to adopt a kid. We could just take him to an orphanage." Theo tried explaining.

"We can take care of him. Besides, you know what it's like to live without parents. You want him to grow up not having actual parents?" Theo sighed knowing he wasn't going to win this argument. He also couldn't deny that the child was cute.

"Fine, we'll keep him. We'll have to get him a crib though. I don't want to have to sleep with another child."

"Excuse me, we have been married for two years." Liam said mocked offensive. He knew Theo was referring to his 'baby wolf' nickname and he wasn't really offended.

"You go do that. I'm going to try and figure out what the person who left it meant by 'what he is'." Liam said still rocking Leo in his arms.

"Why can't you go get the crib?"

"I'm self proclaiming myself as the mom."

"Fuck you."

"Theo! One, there's a child right here! Two, later when he's asleep." Theo couldn't help but facepalm. "Besides I have to tell Scott that there's baby in the pack now."

The groaned. "Fine. Store's probably not open right now, so I'm going to eat breakfast. You want anything specially cooked or just cereal?" He asked.

"Just cereal, I can do it." Liam said setting Leo down next to him on the bed. The child was practically asleep by now and was still wrapped in the blanket. He pulled out his phone to text Scott about the child.

(In the groupchat "Pack")

theo and i have a child now
his name is leo


awwwww Sarah has someone to play with ❤💕💗

goddammit there's another one?

still dont get why you dont like sarah

she just starts crying out of no where for absolutely no reason

well she is still only 2
when did this happen?

this morning
he was on our doorstep

i want to see him 💖💖💖💖

dont worry you will at some point

Liam placed his phone next to him. He looked over at the sleeping infant next to him and smiled. He and Theo had talked about adopting a child before but they weren't planning on it being so soon. He was still happy Theo was willing to keep Leo. When the child was crying he caught sight of bright grey eyes. He was too cute even though his crying was annoying. Liam set the young child on a pillow surrounded by other pillows.

Once he made sure that Leo was safe and comfortable he headed to the kitchen to eat his breakfast of simple honey nut cheerios. When they finished their breakfast, they heard Leo start to cry again.

"You go get the crib. I'll go calm him down and figure out 'what he is.'" Liam said already walking to the bedroom.

When he walked in he saw Leo with crying. When he opened them Liam could briefly see a bright yellow. The same yellow of his eyes. Beta werewolf eyes. The baby was a werewolf. Either his mom or dad, or both are werewolves and they passed down the gene to him. Their pack/family probably didn't want to deal with a child. Maybe they knew Scott, but they also knew that the alpha probably didn't want to deal with a child so they gave it to his beta. That was likely the case. Either way he was happy.

Liam calmed him down with the 'The sun, the moon, the truth' mantra. It worked miraculously. Theo came back an hour later with a box filled with the parts to build a crib. They built the crib together deciding to just keep the baby in their room.

* * *

Throughout the next years, Leo grew up from a few month old infant to a four year old toddler, a seven year old kid, an eleven year old preteen, a fifteen year old teen, and finally an nineteen year old young adult. He had learned how to control his shift from a young age so he could go to school like any normal kid and when he turned sixteen he started helping the pack with problems that happened in the supernatural filled town. He became best friends with Sarah, a banshee like her mother, Scott and Malia's son Max, a werecoyote like his mom, and Mason and Corey's adopted twin daughters, Cara and Mia.

Everything in the couple's lives were perfect. Their son was a strong werewolf and had slowly started to develop a sense of sarcasm like his dad Theo. He also grew to hate biology with a passion and love history like his papa Liam. They were a perfect little family.

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